Friday, April 3, 2009

Giveaway Alert!

Yup, you read right! I'm giving away one free Sonata necklace* to a lucky winner. Wanna try your luck? Simply tell me what you like best about Mimpi by commenting below & on 7th April** at 10:00 PM I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner. It's as easy as pie (easier in fact) 'cos there's no right or wrong answer. I just want to hear your honest opinion... that's all! Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Good luck everyone!

* Inclusive of free shipping via Pos Laju within Malaysia or Registered Post outside of Malaysia.

** I initially announced via the mailing list that the draw date would be 18th April but on second thought, I figured it was waaay too long to wait till then! Sorry for any misunderstanding caused.

UPDATE (7th April): The winner has been announced here! Woohoo!


Joan said...

i like ur sharing, ur style and ur creation. i know somebody try to copy ur design, anyhow, u r still the best. keep it up!

hot shorty said...

i love murni cos every piece has a name and represents an identity; either a lady, an event, an action etc. i simply love your individuality and creativity.

Jasmine ;D said...

I love Murni because every piece of jewelery she makes is unique and never the same. It has it's one character too. Not only that she keeps the jewelry designs simple and never too clustered up. And everyone knows less is always more.Never the less your designs are elegant and suitable for any event.

Harmini.A said...

I love Mimpi because it's a dream come true for those who love vintage one of a kind accesories that have so much love, effort and time put into it making each piece different and special (:

Jenny Pong said...

Love the soft vintage and dreamy expression of your creations... wonderful and ever lovely sharing on your blog... Hope I am lucky enuff to win this!! You are awesome!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like how each creation is distinctly different from the other. Each design is not only pretty but unique as well. :) It feels nice to know that you can own something that has been specially designed for you. Keep up the good work!

Ida D. said...

Your designs are classy and chic. They're really pretty and feminine. And I simply love the names you've chosen for each pieces.

edleen amani said...

what i LOVE about Mimpi is that..
1. Mimpi is somehow unique and co-incidencely reflects who i am and what i like through their jewelry pieces.

2. Mimpi is inevitable and each pieces melts my heart.ive never fell in love so much with any other jewelry brand + its local :D
something to be proud of as a Malay that my v own kaum has the ability to create something that was made for each and every woman on this planet!

Anis Rozalina said...

I love your website design and that there's always something new -- interesting link/design -- every time I come here to read.

Anonymous said...

Mimpi is beautiful and special, and so is Murni! :)

patty said...

I love mimpi murni because she design a unique and wide range of beautifully made handmade.Amazing part is Women can look like Audrey Hepburn by just wearing her necklace or even just a ring!Beautiful!

nirms said...

All your pieces are gorgeous! Really, I don't think I've seen one of your designs that I don't like.. makes it so hard to choose, lol. And plus, your designs are the first of its kind that I've ever seen, so kudos to that :)


Naziehah said...

I love Mimpi because your jewellery is very delicate and feminine. Very much like Murni :)

Your jewellery and blog designs are consistent and is distinctively you and that has created a very strong brand. Worry not about copycats as they will never last ;)

I always believe it's not about the product, it's about the people. If you keep being you, Mimpi will keep being Mimpi, and both of Mimpi & Murni will always be loved for a very very long time :)

Sha-Lene said...

Yay! What I like best about Mimpi is how every uniquely crafted piece possesses a sort of ethereal beauty. And I feel like there's a sentimental story behind each necklace, bracelet, everything! :)

AdoraBabble said...

I love that you blog regularly about interesting things even when you don't update. Clicking on them is always an experience. :)

I also love the pieces and how they are delicate, beautiful and yet strong at the same time which to me, is a symbol of how women should be.

Unknown said...

I love Mimpi because every single piece of jewelry is delicately designed with a touch of classic feel to it. :) Naming each piece show how much thought is given into each piece. Not just that, the entire presentation of Mimpi is also too sweet to resist!

I'm sure Mimpi will be an international brand in the near future ;)

Elyse said...

What i like best about Mimpi is the way you present the updates. The picture containing the main items offers a quick glance on what's new. It's how i saw the Rezeki necklace which i'm ordering now!

Volvoxx said...

I'm always excited everytime i see an update from your product sites on my google reader RSS...cant wait to see what new stuff you have. what I like about you? mmm lets see...

Your blog's clean and sweet..very simple and very appealing and relevent. The photos of your product are very well taken to show your viewers what they're getting...description of the product is sufficient too. Your product is very original and one of a kind. I wish I was working so that I can get more of your stuff :P ...and you, are a very very warm person. Visited your booth once with my sister and I really like how you approach your customers. Its very warm, and it doesnt feel pushy. :D

The Giveaway Diva said...

i lov ehow you use vintage materials! i really love your looks and unique designs!!

Alyssa Foo said...

I love Mimpi because you make utterly feminine and beautiful stuff especially with the vintage roses in pastel colors! Met you during one of the bijou bazaars. You were so patient in helping me pick as i was so indecisive. Great service and your blogshop is so pretty and unique compared to the rest. Do bring more of these in (its just ur signature style!) Truly jewelry for dreamers! ;)

Ronny said...

I first came across this site when my girlfriend asked me if i thought she should get a particular piece.

I was impressed by the clean and uncluttered layout as well as the simple yet classy pieces.

Keep up the good work and do diversify your pieces and designs besides your signature pieces.

sinister shopper said...

Mimpi simply defines vintage chic femininity :)

LiliesandButterflies said...

Mimpi itself spells every epitome of your designs,dreamy & one-of-a kind. It eloquently brings out the feminity and individuality of a person who wears it. Truly amazing! Just love it. :)

JM Lee said...

I feel my feelings for mimpi can't just be decribed with just words like feminine, girly, fun.. I believe that would be a great injustice to you. For me, when I look at mimpi I will always feel that excitement I felt when I was in England checking my hall mail everyday to see if I've gotten my (self given) christmas present yet. I will also feel the glee I felt when I tore into the package within 5 steps of leaving the mail office. I will also remember the cherished memories of each piece when I wore them for the first time (e.g. NYE 2008). Mimpi to me is more than just a bunch of words. Its more like a collection of some of my happiest uni memories. I'm so glad I found your blog because of your ketupats!

jiar said...

I love it that Mimpi's creations are unique and so beautiful. Every piece is made to perfection and I wish I could own every piece!

But more than that, I love the website layout, designs and the blog posts about crafts, music or other stuff that are totally unrelated to the jewelry!

Love, love, love.

Rachel said...

I love Mimpi because of it's vintage/occasionally retro feel, but always so classic and very pretty girlie look. It combines the best of the East and West, and manages to do so with grace and gumption. Just looking at the pictures makes me smile, and blush as pink as the Sonata herself.

J'adore vous!

May said...

I'm addicted to Mimpi as it gives me an extra dose of 'ummph' to embrace a wonderful day ahead. Marvelling at Mimpi keeps me excited about what life has to offer, and inspires me to dream "brighter and bigger dreams" too!

Anonymous said...

dear mimpi, 'there's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what i'll do... i love you'. thank you for being so dreamy and quaint. we don't have enough dreamers in the world. *bisou*