
Friday, January 30, 2009

New This Week!

Top row (l - r): Lemah Lembut, Sabila & Barangkali
Middle row (l - r): Maimun, Tersirat & Maimunah
Bottom row (l - r): Gemalai, Hayati & Kirimkan Kasihku

So sorry lovelies that this update took ages to put together as I've been kept busy with events & orders. My inbox is filled with all sorts of requests for new designs & remakes... I'm simply overwhelmed with your support & love folks! You all rock my socks off.

As some of you have complained that my jewelry sell out too fast for you to grab (wow!), I thought I'd give everyone on my mailing list fair warning of when I'll be updating the blog hence those of you who've signed up got an update & sneak peek yesterday. If you'd like to be in on the action, simply register on the left side bar under Mailing List or drop me an email with the subject header "I Want to Join the Mimpi Mailing List!"

Besides the new designs above, I've also remade some of the most requested necklaces from my old collection. Click on the following links for a peek: Samarinda, Sofia, Pengunci & Dikunci. You can also simpy click on Available under Categories on the left side bar to see what's up for sale including the remakes. Easy peasy!

Oh, and don't forget to catch Mimpi at the following events:
Date: 31 January 2009 (Sat)
Time: 12:00 - 10:00 PM
17-2 Jln PJU 5/12 Sunway Damansara

Romancing 1950's Malaya
Date : 14 Feb 2009 (Sat)
12:00 - 6:00 PM
Soho KL, Solaris Mont Kiara
1950’s Malaya

In more exciting news, Mimpi Jewelry can now be found online at PattyBelle! Once you get to the website, click on Art then Mimpi Murni's Handmade. Go check out this adorable website filled with plenty of handmade items sourced from many other crafters & artisans predominantly from Malaysia. You're gonna love it! Oh, and there's a FREE SHIPPING promo for orders of RM100 & above. Yay!

::update:: There was a technical glitch earlier on. My settings for Blogspot were set to PACIFIC TIME so the posts which were scheduled to come out between 12:00 - 12:10PM MALAYSIAN TIME didn't get posted! Luckily I was online to spot the problem so I managed to get all the posts out by 12:30-ish. Sorry for the inconvenience folks!

Map to Paperbags

Tomorrow Mimpi will be taking part in Paperbags. It's a mini-bazaar with only a select few traders. There's Mimpi Kita, Heartbeats, Mimpi by Murni, Dresscode, Marshmallow, Zaihani&Zaidy & Project Earth. Light refreshments will also be served.

Date: 31 January 2009 (Sat)
Time: 12:00 - 10:00 PM
Venue: Heartbeats Boutique, 17-2 Jln PJU 5/12 Sunway Damansara

Click on the image above or here for a bigger view.

If you're like me, totally clueless as to where Sunway Damansara is, then you'll find the map above useful to make your way down to Paperbags. According to the map you gotta go past Ikano & head towards the shop lots highlighted in red. Look out for Kayu Nasi Kandar as it's on the same row & Heartbeats is right above Haven. See you there folks!

Les Miserables

I just finished reading Les Miserables & all I want to do now is lament & sigh for poor ol' Jean Valjean, the main character in this amazing classic by Victor Hugo. I'll spare you my melancholy though. It's such a great read for those of you who like a little heart wrenching every now & then. I generally stay away from these sorts of books as I like to view life in a positive light but if you've seen the movie or read the book you'll know what I mean that it's quite morally uplifting to see Valjean grow in character & his stoic sense of good. If you haven't seen the movie, go watch the one with Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma Thurman & Claire Danes... it's almost as good as the book & Mr Rush as Javert is incredibly compelling.

Oh by the way, I'm in the midst of updating this here blog with my new designs & remakes as promised. It'll be up by 12:10 PM folks so stay tuned!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ah. Yuna. So incredibly poignant & endearing. I'm totally loving her voice & lyrics. Thanks Bijou Bazaar for sharing the clip.

Check out this talented lady's interview on KLueTV below.

In case you're wondering about the promised update, it's coming very very soon lovelies. Stay tuned! ;)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back In Business!

Hi ya lovelies! How was your looooong Chinese New Year break? Did you get lots of ang paus? The older I get I seem to receive a little less heft in my ang paus & for the last couple of years have been filially obligated to give out gifts to my aunties & uncle including ang paus to my mother & grandmother.... Ah, such is the responsibility of growing up & earning an income (not to mention being the eldest amongst my cousins). I'm happy anyways to fulfil my part & very proud of myself that I can earn a little something to (hopefully) enrich the lives of my loved ones in a small way.

We still have another public holiday coming up soon here in Malaysia, Land of the Perpetual Festivities in the form of Thaipusam... So for the lucky few who get to stretch your holidays till then well, lucky you!

In the meantime, I have an update coming very very soon with lots of new designs & your favorite pieces remade for purchase! To all the men out there, do be reminded that VALENTINE'S day is fast approaching & to those who've signed up for my mailing list, you will be updated at least one day in advance of the update so keep an eye on your inbox. Are you as excited as I am? I doubt it ;P

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Year of the Bull

The Chinese New Year Lion Dance picture on the left was taken by Hafiz Ismail. Go check out his Flickr album filled with amazing pictures.

Drive safe everyone & have a great CNY celebration! I'm gonna stuff my face silly with mandrin oranges & arrow root chips.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sweet Dreams

This gorgeous artwork is by Hadley Hutton & entitled Sweet Dreams. I love how this piece sort of looks out of focus & dreamlike. It's very Mimpi don't you think? Argh. Can't. Resist. I'm going to place my order right after this!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Spotted this over at Tongue In Chic & just had to share it with you! This amazing cake (yes, it's a cake!) was made by the talented Su Yin of Delectable. Read more about her over at TiC or at her blog where she shares more of her amazing work & an insight to her life as a confection artist. You can check out the Delectable website too. This girl is incredibly talented & has quite a large loyal following of fans of which she can now add me to the list too!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jewelry Organizers

I get a lot of people who ask me if my jewelry displays are for sale. Well, the answer is a resounding NO: Not now, not ever as each piece of display took me ages to hunt down during my travels. But here are some jewelry organizers from Urban Outfitters (Again! That's twice this week... I'm shameless I know!) for your viewing pleasure.

Yes Frills. A very practical piece if you have the wall space & if you like your jewelry on display. You can hook your earrings & necklaces practically anywhere.

Birds on a Branch. I say TO HECK with practicality! I love this piece simply for the little birdies.

Lace Pedestal. This piece is great for chucking your rings, bangles & watches plus it gives you space to hang your earrings. Ingenious & chic!

Mirror Mirror. This has got to be my favorite by far & the most practical as all jewelry needs to be stored away from exposure to dust & moisture (in our humid weather this is very important to avoid). All my jewelry is actually kept in a special jewelry bag & stored in a jewelry box much like the one pictured above when not on display. This prolongs the life of the jewelry.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I've shared with you my love of paper cuttings back here & here. So imagine my delight when I read about Kinsey Hamilton of Nimble over at my favorite design blog. Read more about the art of paper cutting & the artist's designs inspirations at Mint (another great design blog).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Going Indie: Looks Sells

So. You've set up a blog. You've posted some pictures. You've taken part in a bazaar or two. You think you've some great products to sell but why aren't you getting as many customers as you should? I get this question posed to me quite often from new sellers & more often than not, upon visiting their blogs/websites or hearing about their experience at the bazaar, I have to give it to them straight... In the retail world, "looks" sells. It's what draws in the potential customer & hopefully keeps them hooked to your products. If all you're using is a standard template for your blog/website or your table at the bazaar was put together without much thought or care, chances are people won't bother to give you a second glance.

Evaluate the overall image you're projecting: blog layout, banners, pictures, table set up, etc. Are you using a standard template for your blog/website? Are the pictures you're taking to post online dark & fuzzy? Did you forget to bring a table cloth with you to the bazaar? Are your make shift racks & displays falling down at the slightest touch? With all of this plus the addition of facing competition from hundreds (if not thousands or millions) of other businesses out there, do you really think you stand a snowball's chance in hell? I guess not too.

What to do now? Weigh your strong points & personal tastes. Make sure your business' image is at least in line with your products' (kawaii cuteness + business attire = so wrong). Learn how to take better pictures. Download an adorable background for your blog/website. Get a table cloth made or buy it ready made. Invest in some displays or racks, or hey, make your own for that personal touch (just make sure it doesn't fall over when the wind blows). With a creative approach to the image of your business you're sure to win over the hearts of like minded people who will in turn (hopefully) become your customers.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bijou Bazaar at KLPac's Open Day

A shot of Sentul Park's sign with a vendor's display hanger thingie (so sue me, I don't know what it's called) all decked out.

As usual, I had a lot of fun at Bijou Bazaar & the weather was blessedly lovely. It was hot but breezy throughout the day & the skies were so clear & blue... You couldn't ask for a better day to hang out at KLPac's gorgeous grounds for their annual Open Day.

After the shot above, I handed the camera to the bf to mess around with as I'll be practically tied down to my table throughout the entire event. Unfortunately the camera's battery died after a couple of shots but the bf was kept properly entertained as there were a lot of activities (which I missed) & exhibits (which I got to see at the end of the day).

That's me trying to act nonchalant (or candid as the bf would put it) for the camera. It's hard work man! Anyways, check out the amazing brickwork of KLPac's main building. You gotta love those colonialists.

I'm laughing uproariously at something a lovely lady commented on. She suggested that I should use a plain colored table cloth so that my jewelry would stand out better. The bf had actully pointed out this practical piece of info yonks back when I first started using this Japanese cotton table cloth but I've been denying it for the longest time simply because I'm stubborn & I love the pattern. You should've see the bf's smug face when the lady mentioned the table cloth issue. That's why I was laughing so hard & the bf had to take a picture.

The KLPac Symphony. I was very sorry to have missed it :(

There are more pictures which I will be loading up to my Flickr album. Anyways, all in all I thought KLPac's Open Day was a blast & Bijou Bazaar was at its element: trippy, happy & friendly. Can't wait for the next event! I'll keep you lovelies updated.

Diana Dreamer

This is a Lomo camera made for this little dreamer. Go check it out on Urban Outfitters. I'm now trying to justify to myself why I should get an all-plastic camera when I should be saving up for an SLR camera. No, because "it's pretty" & "it looks so cool" doesn't quite cut it...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hello Saturday

Today's a really sloooow day... no plans, nowhere to go, nothing to do which is a nice change as I'm usually at my busiest during the weekends. So I thought I'd just pop in & remind whoever who's out there blog hopping that I'll be at KLPac for their annual Open Day tomorrow. I think I failed to mention in my previous post (but those on my mailing list would've been notified) that I'm offering a 20% discount for one day only at KLPac on all my available items including some brand spanking NEW designs! Entrance is free & getting there is pretty straightforward even if you've never been there so there's no excuse not to drop by. Can't wait to see you there tomorrow ;)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mimpi On NTV7's Breakfast Show

As promised, here's the video of last Friday's live slot featuring Mimpi on NTV7's Breakfast Show.

Your Own Personal Moon

Saw this at The Unicorn Diaries on a bout of blog hopping & immediately gasped! These images have got to be one of the most surreal & the most beautiful I've seen in a looong time. How wonderful to have your own personal moon to light up your life don't you think so? After a spot of sleuthing I found out that these images are the work of a Russian artist. Will try to dig up more info & let you know... I'm just dying to get a hold of these prints for myself.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

All Natural Beauty Remedies

Here are some all natural beauty remedies I picked up from Martha Stewart & tried awhile back to placate my curiosity. Be warned, some of it may sound a little crazy but hey, I can attest to the fact that these remedies actually work (on me at least) & the majority of the ingredients used can be found in the kitchen! Easy-peasy.

Beer Hair Volumizer
Yeast and hops help to swell the hair shaft and plump the cuticle, adding volume. The acidity of the beer helps remove built-up product residue. In the shower, after you've shampooed, pour a bottle of beer over your hair, Philip B. advises. Rinse briefly with fresh water (the idea is to avoid the Eau de Barfly effect while retaining the beer's body-boosting benefits). A rich beer with a high yeast content works best. (I think it's safe to say Muslims can stay away from this all together)

Egg Hair Mask
Eggs' high protein content helps improve hair's resilience and luster. Whisk together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil (I used Grapeseed oil instead as it doesn't smell at all), and 2 tablespoons sesame oil (I changed this to honey as I didn't have any sesame oil & it worked great too although I realise honey has nothing to do with sesame oil! It's called improvisation). Apply the mixture to dry hair and wrap a hot, moist towel around your head. Relax for five to 10 minutes. Without wetting hair first, work in a handful of shampoo, and then rinse and condition your hair.

Milk Bath
The lactic acid in milk serves as a gentle skin exfoliant, while its natural fat content acts as a body moisturizer. Add a gallon of whole milk to a tubful of warm water and soak. It's a great alternative to sugar and salt scrubs, which may be too abrasive for people who suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or sensitive skin. If you prefer a fragranced bath, add 10 to 20 drops of an essential oil such as lavender.

Orange Scrub
The fruit acid loosens dead skin cells. Cut a fresh orange in half and squeeze the juice of one half into a bowl. Add 1/4 cup granulated sugar and 1/4 cup olive oil and then blend into a moisture-rich scrub. Next, rub the exposed side of the other half of the orange over knees, elbows, heels, and any other dry spots. Last, rub in the sugar mixture to slough off dead skin. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.

Oatmeal Face Wash
Soothing and anti-inflammatory, oatmeal contains beta glucan, a soluble fiber that creates a thin, moisture-retaining film on the surface of the skin. Place a handful of whole oats in a clean washcloth and use a rubber band to secure it. Next, immerse it in a sinkful of warm water and squeeze the bag four or five times. Once the water is cloudy, splash it on your face and then air-dry. (If you must towel dry, pat as gently as possible.)

Pick up more Crazy Beatuy Tricks That Really Work at Martha Stewart.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

KLPac Open Day

Happening this Sunday (18 Jan) from 10 am - 5pm at KLPac

Taken off the KLPac website:
If you're new to this Open Day thing, it's something KLPac started in 2008 and it was an absolute blast! We packed in 5,000 people and brought together some 200 arts practitioners.

Basically, it's one whole day jam packed with FREE performances, visual art installations, theatre and cultural games, arts workshops and demonstrations, staged readings, show previews, film screenings and, of course, the ever popular guided tours.

And if that's not enough to keep you occupied there will be some 60 over stalls on the lawn selling all kinds of interesting goodies and great finds courtesy of the Bijou Bazaar team (that's where you'll find Mimpi)!


NEW! The open day kicks off with a lion dance @ 9.30am

Dont' miss the finals of the FIRST, EVER KLPac Idol! Find out who has what it takes - the charm, the personality and, most importantly, the talent to win this prized title.

There'll also be a dance performance in Pentas 1 itself by rising choreographer / dancer Aris Kadir...


Julian Mokhtar, Azmyl Yunor, Young KL Singers, KL Children's Choir, bellydancers from Sirocco Secret Dance, Kayla Maxey of Flamenco Malaysia, klpac sinfonietta, Indian Cultural Drum Group (Sentul & Jln Ipoh), Persatuan Silat Cekak Pusaka Hanafi and heaps more


Fun activities to dive into in the studios are (get this!) Theatre Games for Singles by Mark Beau de Silva, A Movement Story Session for kids by the academy @ klpac, preview of 2Somes by Chris Ling, Ritual Theatre workshop by Nanci Taynor, physical theatre workshop by Helena Foo and staged readings of plays by Redza Minhat, Fared Ayam AND MORE!

Come, check out your local arts centre and find out what is has to offer, meet artistes, ask questions, participate, discover... Nowhere else will you see such a wide array of arts performances and activities in one single day!

The Sentul Park Koi Centre will also be joining this Open Day and there'll be hawker fare at reasonable prices.

If you're early, you might be able to catch some really amazing ticketing promotions for upcoming shows @ KLPac.

ADD THIS TO YOUR NEW YEAR SOLUTION - don't be a KLPac virgin, check out our Open Day!

Click here for festival schedule + activity info
Click here for map of festival ground (indoor + outdoor)
Click here for location map & public transport options.

Questions? e-mail


Being rather pale (& in need of exercise), you'd never guess that I love to swim. I go swimming whenever the weather & my schedule permits it plus the boyfriend & I head out to the dive pool (for scuba diving) quite frequently so I'm always on the lookout for really cute but practical swimwear. Imagine my surprise to discover that SeaFolly has revamped its image. I remember this particular brand as being rather safe & kiddish but I could be wrong or sadly mistaken it for another blah & boring label. Anyways, I'm totally lovin' the new Spring/Summer swimwear.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Handmade All The Way Baby!

I'm so lovin' all my handmade buys from Creative Mafia! Here are the links to the creative people behind these lovely goodies & a little info in no particular order:

Wrapping paper by Kam Su-Sze. This little dynamo of an 8 year old came by my stall with an older boy, gave me a cheeky little smile & immediately won me over. I bought the wrapping paper she had designed herself in an effort to raise funds for World Vision Malaysia. Each set consists of 2 different designs of wrapping paper & 2 gift tags with Su-Sze's poems & retails at RM10 per set.

Fashion-na-nimal Darlings Paper Dolls. I saw these displayed on the wall but thought they were part of an art installation so I lamented to Iwan (who's part of the Bijou Bazaar organising team) of the tragedy of not being able to bring the little Darlings home with me. And like the trooper that Iwan is, she went to find out if the Darlings were for sale & once confirmed that they were, like a shot I snapped up 3 little Darlings for myself! And to make the deal even sweeter (or probably because she wanted to calm me down as I was sooo excited) the artist Dura picked out another Darling for me for free! I gave the lovely Dura a hug & skipped back to my table with what has got to be the chicest paper dolls I've ever had. Check out her blog for more lovely artwork & woohoo, she mentioned me! Yay! Each Darling retails at RM5 (great buy for artwork people!).

Key Lime Tarts & Apple Crumble by Taste Invasion. Oh. My. God. They were soooooo gooooooood. I kept going back for more throughout the 3 days & now I'm hording the last of the Apple Crumble (Key Lime Tarts didn't even last the car ride home). Luckily Kaye does delivery near my area so I'll be ordering again very soon. Each tart retails at RM2 per piece.

Embroidered Cosmetic Pouch from Patty Belle. Finally had the opportunity to meet Patricia, the maven behind Patty Belle after much emails & Gchatting back & forth. Her stall was filled with lovely handmade goods from friends & from her travels all of which I adore. My cosmetic pouch retails at RM24.90.

Tiny Buttons & Matches plus Screen Printed Tees from Karya. I think this design team had the most creative stall set up by far (chicken wire & styrofoam alphabets... hard to miss!). Anyways, I scored on some cute handmade buttons (RM2 each), a handmade tiny box of matches (RM0.50 I think!) & had an old t-shirt of mine screen printed right then & there for RM5 with the design of my choice & another one screen printed with their t-shirt for RM15 (which funnily has a Zion label... a parody perhaps for their "Free Palestine" design?). The total damage was RM26.50.

Handwoven wallet, pouch, basket & butterfly brooch from Gerai OA (they don't have a website but you can contact Reita at I had the fantastic luck of setting up my table right within close proximity to Gerai OA which is a nomadic, volunteer-run stall that sells handicrafts made by the Orang Asal (OA), the indigenous minorities of Malaysia. 100% of the sales monies is returned to the indigenous craftspeople & they sell a myriad of lovely handmade products such as beaded necklaces, bracelets, brooches & keychains, puzzles, wind pipes, etc. My favorite has got to be the intricately woven wallets & pouches & each piece is so afforadbly priced at only RM10.50 - RM14.50 (depending on the design). I actually bought a whole lot more than what you see pictured here so my total is somewhat high in comparsion to the rest.... get ready for it... RM64 for 2 wallets, 2 pouches, 2 baskets & 4 brooches. I consider it a very, very good buy.

My other purchases not pictured here are:

Handpainted top from Devotee. Each piece is hand painted by the adorable Millie. I got the grey sexyah top with the Matryoshka doll from her new Kitsch collection which is not pictured in her blog or vlog but trust me, it's as adorable as Millie herself. I just had to have it! Retails at RM48.

Highwaisted skirt from Nana G. The skirt was designed by my lovely friend Nana & it's made locally. I just love her design sensibilities as each piece is so easy to wear & figure friendly. I predict that this skirt is going to get lots of wear. Retails at RM119 but for the event she slashed it down to RM53! Steal!!

Hazelnut Brownies by Azlan of Euphorics. Totally blew my mind. Enough said. I'm so ordering more. RM4 per slice, 3 slices for RM10 or RM60 for the whole cake.

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Sorry for the late post today folks. I just got up after a 12 hour hibernation & my whole body is groaning in protest from 3 days of lugging my stuff back & forth, tending to a constant flow of people & trying to keep warm in near arctic conditions at YOUTH'09's Creative Mafia. I'm planning to spend the whole of today in my super loose yoga pants & snacking on the yummy goodies I bought yesterday at the event (and I bought A LOT).

My most heartfelt gratitude & thanks to everyone who tuned into the Breakfast Show on Friday, who left such lovely comments & sent me encouraging emails, who actually came to PWTC to check out my designs in person & who prayed along with me for fortitude... I guess I didn't sound like a blubbering idiot after all! Whew!

The boyfriend (and the rest of his co-workers... oh dear god!) actually managed to tune into the show & I was told no one could tell I was nervous. Man, if you could only see the butterflies fluttering in my stomach! It helped that everyone on the show especially Nas, the host, was really nice & friendly (he ended up buying a necklace for his wife). A big shout out to Sariah for arranging everything! My only regret was not taking a snap shot of the experience. Ah well, at least I'll have a clip of the show to share with you hopefully by the end of the week.

Oh, and once I come out of my coma I'll be sharing with you my fantastic handmade buys at Creative Mafia. I've taken part in quite a few events & admittedly, I always end up going home with some new tops or dresses (mostly from Bangkok or China) so this time around I decided to only buy handmade or locally made products. Can't wait to show you my finds! You're gonna love it as much as I do ;)

Friday, January 9, 2009


This song never fails to cheer me up

Hey fellow dreamers. I adore Breakfast at Tiffany's don't you? Anyways, I just wanted to pop in before I head on out to Sri Pentas for my spot on the Breakfast Show on NTV7 (eep!) & to give you all a head's up just in case you haven't been paying attention to my not-so-subtle hints all week... Mimpi will be at YOUTH'09 happening at PWTC from today till Sunday (9 - 11 Jan) & so this blog shop will be closed but will reopen on Monday (12 Jan). So hold your emails till then or hey, drop by PWTC & come check Mimpi out in person.

Anyways, wish me luck & pray that I don't turn into a blubbering idiot on LIVE national TV today!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Must Remember To

All I want to do right now is dump everything & head to a nice sunny beach somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do for a living but boy, I'll be glad when I finish preparing for YOUTH'09 then hopefully I'll be able to catch up with my sleep sometime soon.

In other news, I'll be on the Breakfast Show on NTV7 tomorrow morning! I honestly can't even begin to tell you how nervous I'm feeling right now. Wish me luck & fortitude!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Want That

Adorable or what? Being an advocate for all things handmade plus driven by color & design, I went ga ga when I clicked on over to I Want That based in Singapore thanks to a feature on Tongue In Chic. It's official folks, I have a new webshop crush.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Going Indie: Which Bazaar?

As I gear up to get ready for YOUTH'09 this weekend, I thought I'd share with you a few tips on how to choose an event to take part in since there are an overwhelming number of bazaars, markets, fairs, whatever you call them mushrooming all over KL of late. I don't know about you but as someone struggling to make a name for Mimpi I'm left feeling pretty overwhelmed at the choices available & so without fail, I whip out my handy dandy list of questions that I use to vet each bazaar that I'm interested in taking part (and to bug the bazaar operator) so that I can come to a knowledgeable decision. Feel free to use & amend the list below as you see fit or drop me a comment if you'd like to add a question or two (or three!).
  1. When & where will the event be held?
    Dates & location are key folks. I suggest stay away from events that are too close to major holidays like Hari Raya as most people will balik kampung 2 - 7 days beforehand & if you've never heard of the event venue, then I bet you lots of other people haven't heard of it too. You can still take the risk & sometimes you'll be happy you did but a risk is still a risk.
  2. How much is the rental?
  3. Is it an indoor or outdoor event? If it's outdoor, what sort of contingency plan is in place in case of rain?
  4. What items will be provided? What items do I need to bring?
    Eg. table, chairs, tarp to cover the table/racks in case of rain, etc.
  5. Will I have access to electrical outlets? If so, will I need to bring an extension cord?
    Bring a really looooong extension cord if you have one. I've been told before that each table would have "acccess" to electrical outlets so I brought along my standard 5m extension. Unfortunately the bazaar operators neglected to mention that the outlet was 20m away from my table!
  6. Will I have access to wi-fi?
    This is quite important for online business owners I think, as I've actually run my online business concurrently with my offline business... plus it's great that I get to catch up with my emails & online orders during the quiet periods at the bazaar.
  7. How convenient is parking? Is there a charge for parking?
    Please use proper parking where possible. I'd hate for you to use your profits from the event to pay your saman!
  8. Do I have to be accepted to join the event, or is it on a first come, first served basis?
  9. Do I have to pay rental fees before the event & if so, when is the deadline for payment to secure a spot? Will there be a refund offered just in case I can't attend after making the payment?
  10. What are the sales & attendance figures for the bazaar?
  11. How many traders will be there?
  12. Is the location of my space/table based on allocation or first come, first served?
  13. If location is allocated, can I choose my location? Who will my neighbors be?
  14. What is the event venue layout like? Is a layout of the venue provided?
    Big brownie points if the bazaar operator can provide this. At least you'll know where the toilets are in case of emergencies.
  15. Will there be an ATM available?
    This is always good to know so that you can warn your customers beforehand in case there isn't one
  16. Are there any promotional/ publicity effort being done for this event?
  17. If so, then how is it being done? Are there fliers/ posters/ radio announcements/ commercials being distributed/on air?
  18. Are there any posters/ badges/ buttons/ clips/ info/ link that I can add onto my blog to further promote the event to my blog readers/website visitors?
  19. Is there a map to the venue provided?
  20. Is the event approved by DBKL/ MPAJ/ MPSJ/etc?
    This is simply good to know just in case some big honcho somewhere decides to do an operasi.
Now, bazaar operators SHOULD be able to answer all of these questions. If they don't answer at all or even neglect to explain any of the above questions in a concise manner that you can understand (a simple yes or no would suffice for some of the questions), then I suggest stay away.

So that was my first little nugget of knowledge for Going Indie. Hope you enjoyed it or that it helps you in some small way. Email me at if there's a particular topic you'd like me to cover or if you have any questions regarding today's topic.

Pauper's Wishlist

The Pauper's Wishlist

There's a new blogshop reviewer in town ladies! Go check out The Pauper's Wishlist for Amanda's personal picks for all things stylish. In Amanda's own words: With opinion and review in the blend, The Pauper's Wishlist includes interesting finds from her daily blogshop browsing, finds she covets but can ill afford. From apparel to accessories, from bags to books, from brand new to handmade, from pre-order to pre-loved. Commentary, musings and, get this, actual reviews! No feel good, free publicity, buy-buy-buy here. All in her humble and honest opinion. Prepare for long-windedness and smileys :P

A big THANK YOU to Amanda for reviewing Mimpi ;)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Align Center

Mimpi is taking part too folks with all new designs! Don't miss out ;)
More info here.

Little Paper Planes

I obviously shop online quite a bit & contrary to what people may think, my major purchase online is printed artwork. One of my favorite places to hunt for new prints online is Little Paper Planes for its eclectic variety. Here are just some of my current faves (& some pieces that I'm thinking of getting soon).

[l - r: Flowerburst Print & Little Sparrows Print] I've been a fan of Aline Yamada's work for ages. I just love her gorgeous illustrations of birds & flowers done with ink, pen, watercolor & digital tweaking. Do click on the images above to fully appreciate the prints.

[l - r: Lovely Jewellery Print & 1 Dollar Store Print] I was immediately drawn to the Lovely Jewellery Print for obvious reasons (I sell jewelry, duh!) & then I saw Janice Jong's other prints & fell hard for the bright colors, detailed pen illustration & digital coloring.

[l - r: Little Gathering Print & Goodnight Sweet Print] These prints by Alena Hennesy are just too adorable to pass up! I love the soothing tones of blue & browns used too.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New This Week!

Top row (l - r): Kumbang, Lalu & Kamera
Middle row (l - r): Melodi, Kian & Sara Eva
Bottom row (l - r): Rama Rama, Rasyida & Comel

Hey ya lovelies! Here are some new designs I've been messing around with. Click on the links above for more info and don't forget to check out Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets & More!

Do note that
Mimpi will be taking part in YOUTH'09 under the Youth Designer Festival aka Bijou Bazaar's Creative Mafia! It's going to be the biggest event Mimpi has ever taken part in & it promises to be the best so do drop by & show me some lovin'!

Date: 9 - 11 January 2009 (Fri - Sun)
PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
Operating Hours:
10:30am - 9:30pm
More info here.