
Friday, January 16, 2009

Mimpi On NTV7's Breakfast Show

As promised, here's the video of last Friday's live slot featuring Mimpi on NTV7's Breakfast Show.


  1. Darling you are great! So cool,calm and collected :)

    I felt so proud of you Murni, thinking back on all those years we've been client/supplier (and almost business partners!)

    Wishing you all the best in years to come.


  2. hahah thanks naziehah dear! i was soooo nervous when i first heard about the show but as the date drew nearer i managed to find some reserves of calmness... after all i'll be talking about something i love & am passionate about right? hehehe i'm glad i didn't end up stuttering though!

    i wish you every success too dear. can't wait to see you on tv pulak! ;)

  3. you looked good, murni. congratulations on being on TV. you go, girl!

    fulltime mom

  4. thanks so very much fulltime mom! i think being a mom is the hardest & most challenging job in the whole wide world so kudos to you too.

  5. Hi Murni!
    Congrats on your appearance. You did great! Wish you all the best and keep on the dreams coming :)

  6. hiya dura! thanks a whole bunch! i feel very blessed for all that life has bestowed & will try my hardest to be better. i can't wait to see your new art work btw! do keep me posted k?

  7. Hi Murni. When I first saw this video I was speechless. Wow. Unbelievable. Anyway, congratulations to you. I wish you all the best my friend. :-)

  8. awww thanks yen! it means a lot coming from you :)
