
Monday, January 5, 2009

Little Paper Planes

I obviously shop online quite a bit & contrary to what people may think, my major purchase online is printed artwork. One of my favorite places to hunt for new prints online is Little Paper Planes for its eclectic variety. Here are just some of my current faves (& some pieces that I'm thinking of getting soon).

[l - r: Flowerburst Print & Little Sparrows Print] I've been a fan of Aline Yamada's work for ages. I just love her gorgeous illustrations of birds & flowers done with ink, pen, watercolor & digital tweaking. Do click on the images above to fully appreciate the prints.

[l - r: Lovely Jewellery Print & 1 Dollar Store Print] I was immediately drawn to the Lovely Jewellery Print for obvious reasons (I sell jewelry, duh!) & then I saw Janice Jong's other prints & fell hard for the bright colors, detailed pen illustration & digital coloring.

[l - r: Little Gathering Print & Goodnight Sweet Print] These prints by Alena Hennesy are just too adorable to pass up! I love the soothing tones of blue & browns used too.

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