
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back In Business!

Hi ya lovelies! How was your looooong Chinese New Year break? Did you get lots of ang paus? The older I get I seem to receive a little less heft in my ang paus & for the last couple of years have been filially obligated to give out gifts to my aunties & uncle including ang paus to my mother & grandmother.... Ah, such is the responsibility of growing up & earning an income (not to mention being the eldest amongst my cousins). I'm happy anyways to fulfil my part & very proud of myself that I can earn a little something to (hopefully) enrich the lives of my loved ones in a small way.

We still have another public holiday coming up soon here in Malaysia, Land of the Perpetual Festivities in the form of Thaipusam... So for the lucky few who get to stretch your holidays till then well, lucky you!

In the meantime, I have an update coming very very soon with lots of new designs & your favorite pieces remade for purchase! To all the men out there, do be reminded that VALENTINE'S day is fast approaching & to those who've signed up for my mailing list, you will be updated at least one day in advance of the update so keep an eye on your inbox. Are you as excited as I am? I doubt it ;P


  1. excited..:)
    happy cny to u...

  2. hahaha i'm glad i'm not the only one excited! :P
