
Friday, January 9, 2009


This song never fails to cheer me up

Hey fellow dreamers. I adore Breakfast at Tiffany's don't you? Anyways, I just wanted to pop in before I head on out to Sri Pentas for my spot on the Breakfast Show on NTV7 (eep!) & to give you all a head's up just in case you haven't been paying attention to my not-so-subtle hints all week... Mimpi will be at YOUTH'09 happening at PWTC from today till Sunday (9 - 11 Jan) & so this blog shop will be closed but will reopen on Monday (12 Jan). So hold your emails till then or hey, drop by PWTC & come check Mimpi out in person.

Anyways, wish me luck & pray that I don't turn into a blubbering idiot on LIVE national TV today!


  1. Saw you on The Breakfast Show!

    Don't worry, you did fine. Love your designs!

  2. Hello I caught you on the breakfast show interviewed by Naz this morning. It's great to come to know another lady enterpreneur in Malaysia. Yes I will keep myself abreast of what's going on with Mimpi Murni of what have been mentioned during the show such as your blogspot (I'm here now...), bazaar [Pwtc which I'm not able to attend :( ], etc.

    In the meantime, I'll browse your pieces and will contact you again.

    Keep up the good work.


  3. hi amy & sally! thank you very much for your words of encouragement & support & for dropping by my blog! i hope you like what you see here too ;)
