
Friday, January 30, 2009

Les Miserables

I just finished reading Les Miserables & all I want to do now is lament & sigh for poor ol' Jean Valjean, the main character in this amazing classic by Victor Hugo. I'll spare you my melancholy though. It's such a great read for those of you who like a little heart wrenching every now & then. I generally stay away from these sorts of books as I like to view life in a positive light but if you've seen the movie or read the book you'll know what I mean that it's quite morally uplifting to see Valjean grow in character & his stoic sense of good. If you haven't seen the movie, go watch the one with Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma Thurman & Claire Danes... it's almost as good as the book & Mr Rush as Javert is incredibly compelling.

Oh by the way, I'm in the midst of updating this here blog with my new designs & remakes as promised. It'll be up by 12:10 PM folks so stay tuned!


  1. i had own the les miserable the musical DVD..i think they perform it in Albert hall;the one siti nurhaliza perform her London's concert!the best musical after the cat of course..want to see more musical..genie..genie..make my wish come true..hehe

  2. wow, lucky you fujoshime for owning the DVD! i have yet to watch les miserables performed on stage but i have seen Cats which is one of my all time favorites too. thanks for dropping by & i hope a genie will make your dream come true! ;)
