
Friday, November 11, 2011

Craft Party #4 Pictures

all done too

Thanks to everyone who came & partied with us at Craft Party #4. Nisa, Afzan, Domino, Aini, Irene, Aleena, Cheryl, Cheryne, Sufi, Samantha & a few walk-ins whose names I can’t remember now, I hope you had as much fun as I did & I can’t wait to see you guys rocking your “new” refashioned tshirts! Do send pictures if you have the chance ya?

A shout out to the team of Tongue In Chic for inviting us to take part in Chic POP Street Market & giving us such an awesome space to party at plus all the extra craft goodies for the “buffet”. Gwen & Karen, you guys rock!

If you've noticed the blog has been getting more & more quiet lately. It's mainly because I'm in the midst of working on decorating an event which is happening next week + another side project that's near & dear to my heart. You'll hear more about it when the time comes ;)

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures & have a great weekend ahead!