
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ni Hao Shanghai

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Wonder why the blog has been so quiet lately? Well, at the last minute my hubby said I could follow him on his conference trip to Shanghai, so what followed was a whirlwind of activities to get ready. Getting my visa sorted, shopping for warm clothing, making sure our cat would be well cared for & finishing outstanding orders all within a short time span. By the time our ride to the airport rolled into the driveway, I was really ready for a holiday!

All in all, I LOVED Shanghai. I’ve been to Beijing & was expecting that same chaotic, overwhelming experience, with lots of difficulty getting around but was pleasantly surprised that Shanghai feels a lot like being in Europe & we had no problems getting cabs & communicating with the locals.

Anyways, this is just going to be a short post as I have lots of work & emails to catch up with plus an event or two to get ready for, but I’ll be back soon with more pictures to share (along with the Chic POP Craft Party pictures). Have a great week my lovelies!

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