
Monday, November 14, 2011

2012 Calendar Round-Up

This is serious. Every year around this time I go on a calendar hunt. You’d think a calendar is a pretty simple thing to get right? Not for me because I need a calendar that I can proudly hang up in my craft room so it must be handmade, unique & because I’m a sucker for memorabilia, it has to last a lifetime so quality is important. Thanks to Oh So Lovely Paper’'s fantastic 7 (SEVEN!) part calendar round-up, here are some great calendars that I’m lusting after & one of these will be mine pretty soon but I just can’t decide… they’re all so purdy! Care to help me decide?

 The Wild Unknown

Update: I've made up my mind & I'm going to go for the Lisa Rupp calendar. I got one from her last year & loved it so much (in fact, I still love it) that I think I want to start a little tradition. Bad news though... the calendar design I want is currently out of stock till after Christmas, so I'll be stalking Lisa's Etsy page till it's back! Sigh, the things I do for a nice calendar.


  1. i suke pic 2nd.. so vote for 2nd pic.. nice

  2. thanks for your vote farhanna! :D

  3. Ella Leach!! ok-lah fine i chose it 'cos it's pink -_- the wild unknown then. i like flip calendars that reveal something new every month. itching to know which is your choice babe!

  4. thanks for your vote shelby! i'm still pretty torn... i like them aaaallll! LOL

  5. I liketh the Ilee one {letter press calendars rocks}, the Ella Leach Design one :)
    But then the paper theives one is pretty unique too ~ gah!

    I get super frust trying to choose calendars too {and pocket dairies too for that matter} but managed to get two pretty ones for a calendar swap that I am doing ~ so the buying wasn't really for me though. hehehe.

    So have you bought one yet?

  6. thanks for your vote dream weaver!! i agree, letterpress rocks! you're so lucky you have your calendar & diary purchases sorted out. hope you get something really nice for your swap!

    i'm going to go with the Lisa Rupp calendar because i got one last year from her & loved it so much (still love in fact). right now it's out of stock so i'll be stalking her etsy page till it comes back! hehe
