
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thank You 2008

It's been a crazy year for me. Here's my 2008, short & sweet:

+ I sort of officially launched Mimpi at Bijou Bazaar. Yay!
+ I made it into KLue twice (Second time has yet to be posted... eeps!)
+ Made it into Malaysian Today too
+ I was on 20 Questions
+ Was on Astro Awani's Wanita Untuk Wanita thanks to Bijou Bazaar!
+ I became a PADI certified scuba diver!
+ I went white water rafting twice this year
+ I got to go to India (my dream destination!)
+ A hamster showed up at my doorstep
+ so much more...

Like I said, it's been crazy... but wonderful. I'm awfully grateful for the numerous blessing & lessons bestowed this year & so with an open mind & an open heart, I look forward to what 2009 has to offer.

This is how I spent New Year's Eve last year. I think it's going to look pretty much the same this year as we're spending it with our close buddies. Hope you're gonna have fun tonight too. Be safe & Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to you too dear Ribena Berry... =)

    Hope to see more of you on tv and magazines. Bonne Annee!

    xxx bisous

    ps+ do you use life jackets with Shark Shield when you dive? Just curious... =D

  2. happy new year tati! hope you'll have a wonderful year ahead of you babe (which i'm sure you will).

    ha ha... very funny about the life jacket & shark shield! :P have yet to actually see a shark in open water but would definitely love to. i'll just have to hope it's not particularly hungry! hehehe
