
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Going Indie

I've been getting quite a few emails from readers of this blog asking me for advice on running a small, independently-run business. Be it online or offline, I really don't consider myself an expert so I'm pretty stoked that you would even think to ask!

Although I've been running this small little business of mine for awhile now (part time for more than 4 years, full time since August 2008) & I've experienced plenty of the ups & downs that come with running your own business (all by myself I might add), I still have quite a lot to learn & a looong way to go before I even consider myself a success. Although going at it all on my own (hence Going Indie) was not a conscious decision I'm really glad that I took my own initiative to launch a business that I'm passionate about without relying on anyone else thus enabling me to learn really fast on my own two feet. All that aside, I'll be more than happy to share with you what I know & have experienced. If that's not your thing then be rest assured that I'll still be posting lots of my internet finds & designs as usual.

What I'm really hoping from posting my ideas & experiences is that it'll open up an avenue for more indie business owners to share as well, plus encourage more creatively minded people to run an independent business based on their passion or art or fantastically original ideas. There's really nothing more fulfilling than building a business from the ground up... Trust me.

So all you business minded folks, stay tuned for Going Indie which will be up on every other Tuesday or so (I don't think there are enough topics to cover every week anyways) right here at Mimpi.

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