
Monday, November 17, 2008

My Weekend

Saturday was spent at UoX where I had a blast! Thanks to those that came by & tried to pronounce the magic word. Good try people! Now, go watch Mary Poppins! I'm shocked so many of you haven't seen it or remember it. Tsk!

My new table set up. At least now you can see yourself with the mirror set at eye level!

The new cross stitch sign I made the night before. I think I better point out that the flowers are actually earrings lest anyone out there thinks I have mad cross stitching skills! (Which I don't)

Kudos to Dee of Threadszoo for flawlessly planning everything. She even sent the traders checklists, maps, layouts, the works! I truly appreciate all the info... the more, the better I say when it comes to these sort of events. Needless to say, I was well-prepared for the on-slaught of people that came to CapSquare to party & shop. Event though I had to cut my time at UoX short, I was dead on my feet & only too happy to crash into bed that night.

Ah, but then.... Sunday, glorious Sunday!

I was up at the crack of dawn with the bf & his buddies for this view. Believe it or not but this is in Ampang!!

Small possibilities. I love this little boy's bright yellow shorts & enthusiasm to match! His constant excited chatter scared off the fishes though but he wasn't too dissapointed as far as I could tell. Boy, isn't it great being a kid?

Boys & their toys (well, ok some kids never quite grow up!). The bf is in the middle flanked by his buds.

Last shot of the morning. The mist was starting to clear up & the sun was just about ready to peek out from under those clouds.

And no expedition no matter how short is complete without trying out a new place to makan and thanks to Shazli who was the one leading us the entire way, we had the best nasi lemak EVER. I judge nasi lemak based on the rice & this nasi was the lemak-est I've every had, hand's down!. I didn't manage to take a snap shot of the nasi lemak though. We were hungry. Enough said.

With our bellies full, the bf & I then spent the rest of the morning & afternoon at the dive pool operated by Kembara Dive Centre in Bandar Tun Razak where we got to mess around & play shark under the pretense of practising our buoyancy for scuba diving. I worked on evening out my tan too to no avail. I now have dive sock tan lines. Sheesh!

This shot was taken a week before our Tioman trip last month. I was wearing a wet suit cos the water in the pool was freezing! Can you see how blue my lips are?!?

Later that night we went to our friend's little do at The Lodge to celebrate their anniversary & the wife's birthday. They're one of the sweetest couple I know, all goodness & sincerity. Happy Anniversary Jocelyn & Mail + Happy Birthday Jocelyn! The pictures from the party will be up as soon as I can smuggle the camera back from the bf. It's pretty hilarious what people will do when they're in need of a little entertainment. Pictures soon!

After a pretty exhausting 2 days, I capped it off with finally picking up the sequel to Twilight which I blogged about obsessing here. Although I was really really pooped, I was up till about 3am reading New Moon! The things people do for their addiction.

So, how was your weekend?

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