
Friday, November 14, 2008

Beautiful Morning

Just had to take a picture of the beautiful morning we're having here in KL... so far. It seems that it's been raining all day, every day lately doesn't it? Hopefully this peek of clear blue skies & greenery will cheer someone up especially those stuck in the office.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to come to the UoX Blockparty happening tomorrow at CapSquare from 1pm onwards! Mimpi will be there with 20% discount for all XPax users & what if you're not an XPax user? Just say the magic word SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALODOCIOUS & you'll get the discount too (applies only at the Blockparty)! Now go practice your pronounciation ;)

More info on the Blockparty at KLue.

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