
Friday, September 28, 2012

Hello, New Blog & Site Design

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I decided at the spur of the moment yesterday that my blog & site could use a little sprucing up. I'm still waiting for my hosting site to properly load but here you go, some screen shots. I love the user interface & I can't wait for you to try it out!

I've cut back the clutter & I decided to go with a very clean, minimal look. My husband thinks it's all very masculine & a big departure from all the things that I've stood for so far (sweet frou frou) but I really like it! Things could use a little shaking up around here so I'm going to live with this for awhile & see how it goes. What do you think, dreamers? I could really use your input. Be brutally honest if you must. 

Screen Shot 2012 09 28 at 10 54 57 AM 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DIY: Floral Crown

Thanks to a recent customer's request, I've been looking up tons of floral crowns & found this nifty little video that teaches you how to make your very own. This is boho chic times a million & I love it! Let me know if you're trying out this tutorial & I'd love to see pictures of the finished product so send it over k?

Here are some pictures of more floral crowns to get you inspired…

Ohmydeer styled 05

Images via Blue Bird Vintage & Green Wedding Shoes 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wishlist: Kaleido Trays

Kaleido mix 02 1Kaleido mix 03

I have a secret collection: trays. Yup, trays. I don't know how it happened or when it started, but I now have about 20+ trays ranging in sizes & materials. I don't know what I'm going to do with all those trays & I haven't even used some of them but they sure look pretty lined up in my kitchen. So how about adding more to my collection? Yes, please. Especially these geometric metal trays at APlusR that you can combine into different combinations. So cool.


Kaleido mix 04


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Home Sweet Home: Sarah & Rupert


The hubby & I have been house hunting almost every week since we got married. Being rather fussy folks with requirements that are almost a foot long and a budget to stick to, we're having a tough time finding our "home sweet home." So in the meantime, I will live precariously off other people who have beautiful homes such as Sarah & Rupert here. Love their house! 

Via Design Sponge.



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Now Taking Orders

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Try as I might, I can't seem to catch up with my own self-imposed schedule. Along with the usual projects & events, I've been busy putting together orders for my succulent arrangements & I have not been able to make any for sale on this blog despite the many requests. So dear readers, if you've been waiting for me to put something up, how about you just email me with your order? That way you get a totally customised succulent arrangement & I don't kick myself for not putting up any for sale on my blog. Win-win!

I don't have a catalogue but you can refer to the pictures below, here, here & here for some examples as well as my Instagram pictures. The succulent arrangements starts from RM20 - RM35 for a small teacup, RM40 - RM65 for a teapot & goes all the way up to RM70 - RM100++ for larger arrangements. It all depends on the size of the container & number of succulents per container so it's best you tell me what your budget is & what sort of container you'd like (teacup, teapot, glass vase, etc.) & I will then show you some options.

Once we've sorted out your selection via email, I will send you an invoice along with the payment details. Upon receiving payment, I will proceed to make your order. It will take 1 - 2 weeks from payment to completion. Do note that I do not do deliveries. I am based in Ampang so you will need to come pick it up from me at my apartment. If you'd like to meet me somewhere around Ampang, I charge an additional RM5 to cover expenses such as gas & parking. 

Hope that helps, folks! Thanks so much for your continued support. 

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pretty Pastels & Metallics

pretty pastels & metallics
Vintage Pink and Silver Tabletop 600x399

This is a party decor after my own heart! Love the soft, simple femininity of this concept dreamt up by a whole team of talented people: Kelly Maron Horvath of Paper Stories, Lauren LePine of Ryan Alexander Events, Lynn Fossbender of Pollen, Stevi Savage of AveryHouse, and Shannon Spellman of Plate. What's not to love? Read & see more pictures over at Elizabeth Anne Designs

Pink Gold Dessert Table 300x450
DIY Pink Ruffle Cake
Pink Blue Green Wedding Decor Ideas 300x450 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading: The Night Circus

I am a voracious reader. When I'm not too busy, I go through at least 3 books a month on my Kobo iPhone app but find it hard nowadays to find new books that really excite me & makes me want to live in its pages (which is what a good book does to you). So much so, I've resorted to rereading my old, favourite books for the last year or so… That is, until I stumbled onto The Night Circus

Simply put, this book is spellbinding. It has just the right mix of fantasy, intrigue & drama that I love. Here's a great review at Jackie Magpie (which is an awesome blog btw) & also where I got these pictures of the book from. I love this book so much that even though I already have it on my iPhone, I'm going with Jackie's recommendation & will buy a physical copy for my bookshelf. Helps that the hardback cover is gorgeous, don't you think?  


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cameron Highlands Family Trip

Wuthelam Villa
I took a couple of days off over the Merdeka weekend (Happy belated Merdeka, fellow Malaysians!) & traveled to Cameron Highlands with my very large, fun loving family on my mother's side. It was heaps of fun & we stayed at Wuthelam Villa of Tanah Rata which I haven't visited since I was 5 years old! Judging from my childhood pictures, the place still looks the same except for a few minor interior changes but the lovely garden has not changed a bit. The Villa is kept pristine by the same housekeeper since it was built in the late 70's & she does all the cleaning & cooking for guests as well so we were properly pampered. Man, her cooking is fantastic! We were fed 4 times a day & I think I easily put on a kilo or two over the weekend.

Above are some pictures I took during the trip. Clockwise from top: 1. The sprawling lawn & garden of Wuthelam Villa overlooking the only golf course in Cameron, 2. A lovely Zinnia bloom, 3. A corner of the Villa's roof & the blue, blue sky we were blessed with during the trip.

Jungle Trekking
On Day 2, our group of 15 (ranging from 16 - 60+ years old) agreed that a nice, easy trek would be a great change from all the eating we've been doing. Little did we know what was in store in the supposedly "easy" trek we were pointed out to which was trek # 3 & 5 of Cameron's well marked treks. Altogether, it was approximately 5 km & took our group a good 3 hours to complete with a lot of huffing & puffing, a stumble here & there plus a tonne of sweat. Needless to say, we were very sore at the end of the trek but elated even though we ended up in the middle of a chilli farm by taking a wrong turn! Clockwise from top left: 1. Sign board at the start of the trek, 2. On the way to the trek, we were already a little winded thanks to the uphill climb which was a precursor to even more obstacles ahead, 3. My up-for-anything family, 4. Sun filtering down to the jungle floor, 5. A caterpillar on its merry way through the moss & ferns.

Plantation & Nursery
More pictures from our trip. From left to right, top to bottom: 1. A piece of old brass machinery used for making tea on display at the Boh Tea Plantation & Factory, 2. The ultra-modern Boh Visitor's Centre overlooks the sprawling green hills of the tea plantation, 3. Old quarters of the tea plantation workers, 4. A trip to Cameron wouldn't be quite complete without a stop at a plant nursery to pick up some cacti.

Loved spending time with my family & wish there were more opportunities like this to bond over laughter & memories.