
Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading: The Night Circus

I am a voracious reader. When I'm not too busy, I go through at least 3 books a month on my Kobo iPhone app but find it hard nowadays to find new books that really excite me & makes me want to live in its pages (which is what a good book does to you). So much so, I've resorted to rereading my old, favourite books for the last year or so… That is, until I stumbled onto The Night Circus

Simply put, this book is spellbinding. It has just the right mix of fantasy, intrigue & drama that I love. Here's a great review at Jackie Magpie (which is an awesome blog btw) & also where I got these pictures of the book from. I love this book so much that even though I already have it on my iPhone, I'm going with Jackie's recommendation & will buy a physical copy for my bookshelf. Helps that the hardback cover is gorgeous, don't you think?  


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