
Friday, September 28, 2012

Hello, New Blog & Site Design

screen shot 1
I decided at the spur of the moment yesterday that my blog & site could use a little sprucing up. I'm still waiting for my hosting site to properly load but here you go, some screen shots. I love the user interface & I can't wait for you to try it out!

I've cut back the clutter & I decided to go with a very clean, minimal look. My husband thinks it's all very masculine & a big departure from all the things that I've stood for so far (sweet frou frou) but I really like it! Things could use a little shaking up around here so I'm going to live with this for awhile & see how it goes. What do you think, dreamers? I could really use your input. Be brutally honest if you must. 

Screen Shot 2012 09 28 at 10 54 57 AM 


  1. Your new look made me forgot how the original one looks like. Love it!

  2. Thanks Ruzanne! I loved the old look but after a couple of years, a change was in order :D
