
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Urbanscapes 2011 Snap Shots Part 1

My set up at the TiC Turf. I also had my lovely assistant for the day, Cheri, help me hang up buntings all around the perimeter of the tent (not pictured). I love being surrounded by color as you can probably tell. Fun fun fun.

Hey folks! So sorry for the lack of blog posts this week. Been super busy catching up with orders & emails that something had to give. Anyhoots, I finally finished editing all the the pictures I took at Urbanscapes & I took so many that I’m splitting the pictures into Part 1 & Part 2. Enjoy!

My handmade lip balms. Right-most picture, clockwise from bottom left: Delima tint (red), Manggis tint (mauve), Jambu tint (pink), French Vanilla (untinted), Mango Peach (untinted) & Cucumber Melon (untinted).

The lovely vendors I had the pleasure of visiting before the crowds came swarming in. From top to bottom: alphabets from old signs for sale at Miraclewatts, Old Blossom Box’s lovely color coordinated set up & handmade clouds & rainbows as decor at Whenever Shop. I can’t get over Aida’s (proprietor of Whenever Shop) themed set up which she changes for every market! Can you say, WOW?

A customer brought along her pet iguana to share the Urbanscapes love. Named Puppy Kuntum, the little guy was very sweet, docile & surprisingly incredibly soft! I’ve never had much contact with reptiles but Cheri was very comfortable as you can see above.

Stay tuned! There are more pictures at part 2


  1. I just lurveee the Whenever Shop. So inspiring,artful and colourful hehe :)))

    Lurvee your accessories and handmade lipbalms too. xoxo

  2. hi marina, it was nice to have finally met you after so long! thanks for dropping by & hope you love your purchases :)

    yes, i just love the whenever shop! can't wait for the next event to stalk her shop again hehehe
