
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Future Of Books

All my friends & family (plus a few loyal blog readers) know that I love to read. I read in bed, in the toilet, while waiting in queue, when I want to relax, when I’m upset with something in reality, when I’m hungry & need to be distracted from thoughts of food, etc., etc.. Yes, I love my books. I love getting lost in a fictional world & love nothing more than a good bookstore filled to the rafters with books, spending hours caressing book spines. And thanks to the wonders of technology, my iPhone holds a collection of ebooks that makes reading on the go so much easier (not to mention reading in bed when I don’t want to disturb a certain someone with my reading light).

Now, this amazing video by the folks of IDEO shows you how they are planning to take books to a whole new level in the future – three new levels to be exact. I’m especially excited over the possibilities of Alice. Hello, new chapters revealed if you take certain actions while reading the book? How fun!

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