
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cake Toppers

All I’ve been thinking of are weddings lately – specifically my wedding. Every time I go online, I never fail to look up something wedding related & yesterday it was all about cake toppers. Here are a few of my favorite pieces that I also shared on my wedding blog.

I love them all, unfortunately we only get one wedding cake so I’m going to need some help deciding. So, do you like what you see? Which one would get your vote?? I’m leaning towards getting a custom piece done by the fantastic Lalalaurie or whimsical Milk Tea, but the toppers from Cotton Bird Designs & Lollipop Workshop are just so darn cute! Help.





  1. thanks for your vote darling! hey good luck with your brother's wedding planning ;)

  2. defo lollipop workshop! i so wanted them to do mine but they were on hiatus due to health reasons when i got hitched.. which is why i had to make my own.. boo. oooh i hope you choose them :)

  3. i'm swinging between milk tea & lollipop workshop. i like milk tea because the toppers look like they're dreaming but lollipop workshop toppers are so cute! i might just let the fiance choose them for me at this rate! lol
