
Monday, November 16, 2009

Mimpi Murni At Chic Pop

Thought I'd show you my table set up at Chic Pop yesterday before the mobs of people descended Zouk (excuse the crappy shots as all I had was my iPhone). I was on my feet throughout most of the day, talked practically non-stop, finished 3 packs of business cards & I now have custom orders to last me for a good solid 3 days of work. Needless to say, I slept 11 hours last night (& most of this morning) & I still feel exhausted! Nevertheless, I better get cracking on those orders!

But before I go back to my worktable, I just want to say thank you to Tongue In Chic for inviting Mimpi Murni back for Round 2 & as usual, you guys put on an excellent bazaar! Never been happier, honestly (I'm really going to miss Valene as she leaves the TiC team but I'm looking forward to seeing more of Crystal). Also, it was really, really great to meet those of you who have been following me online. I truly appreciate that you took the time to drop by my table to say hi & introduce yourself as I never fail to get a kick out of meeting you guys!

Oh, and here's a final shot. This was the foyer of Zouk when the crowd of people had already subsided somewhat & I took a quick second to snap this picture. Now, imagine when there were more people & you'll get a better idea of how packed the place was!

Are you dying for Round Three already? Let the folks at Tongue In Chic know!