
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We Won!

Thank you EVERYONE for voting for Mimpi! Miss E of My BFF just dropped me an email with the results of the poll & Mimpi won by 51%! Wow guys. WOW. You all seriously blow my mind. This award couldn't come at a better time too as it's my birthday month! Yup, I'm turning 28 this month so this is like icing on the cake. THANKS again everyone. Do check out the other awesome nominees: The Shoplifters, Double Woot, Phat Culture & D' Looking Glass. Hugs & kisses all around.


  1. Heya murni! I was so amused to see that you used the *i heart urbanscapes* thingy that i simply photoshopped for a button. I met you at 3K that day, and I've been following your blog ever since. It's great stuff you have here, and awesome layout as well.

    So honoured to have my slipshod artwork on your pretty blog. Okay, I'm rambling. See you around, I guess :)

  2. it's an awesome button dear! i picked it off the urbanscapes FB page & i thought i was their official button! nice work! ;)

    thanks a bunch for the support! xoxo

  3. heya!!! Congrats on winning!! You do have one of the best locally designed blogs I've come across. Keep it up!! ^o^

  4. awww thanks a lot chui shia!! i will definitely work better & harder :)
