
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Platform 9¾

Being the fantasy book lover that I am, it goes without saying that I've read & loved all the Harry Potter books (we really have a lot to thank J.K. Rowling for as she gave us adults a really good excuse to read what would usually be considered children's fiction). So imagine my delight when I found out that Platform 9¾ really does exist at Kings Cross Station in London complete with a luggage trolley stuck halfway through the wall!

If you have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, I suggest you polish up your Harry Potter trivia knowledge here or pick up the book!

Spotted via Lovely Little Things.


  1. I read all the Harry Potter books too... for unknown reason, the next instalment of the movie is not released yet and apparently delayed again.... I am dying to catch that... If you know the reason why, please tell me... btw, got my everyday mineral yday but havent got around trying them... love the cute little pots... =P

  2. ooo...dun you just wish you could be there rigth now to see it in person?

  3. i've no idea why the movie's delayed jenny but i'll let you know if i found out. hope you like the mineral makeup btw! ;)

    yeah i wish i was there too toygirl! it's a wonderful kodak moment! hahaha

  4. i've been there! i was a harry potter geek then and my family managed to go to london for the holidays. so being the crazy fan we were, we actually went on the tube to look for the Kings Cross station! hahahaa. we didn't even know the wall existed so you can just imagine our glee when we saw it :D

    it was at night so nobody was around and we took that advantage to take several poses. ;P

  5. ooooh i'm jealous! lucky you! do share the pictures as it sounds so cute! hahaha :D

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