
Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm back from my dive trip folks! Tioman rained, rained & RAINED so I got soaked in more ways than one! We managed to get about 4 dives in TOTAL out of the 8 dives that were initially planned... Boohoo. Luckily visibility underwater was quite good despite the downpour. I got to see a Turtle, a Black Tip Shark, schools of Barracuda, some surprisingly docile Trigger Fish (they're notorious for attacking diver's fins while nesting), Eels, Cuttlefish (that doesn't sound very exciting but trust me, they're fascinating) & plenty of beautiful fishes along with some spectacular coral formations. No doubt the rain didn't help but Tioman to me is still pretty awesome for diving. I can't wait for Sipadan though as I'll be going in July for what promises to be the best dive trip ever! Wheee!

Oh, I just realised that my scheduled posts didn't come out as, er, scheduled. Sorry for that. They're up now so do have a looksee. On another note, I've got a few lovely new designs lined up to share with you so stay tuned! Those on the Mimpi Mailing List should expect a little something as soon as I get back into the swing of things.

Once again, thanks again to everyone's patience & understanding. I promise not to run off on holiday anytime soon ;)

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