
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ribbon Bouquet

The price of roses sky rockets around Valentine's Day so what do you do? Make your own roses of course! Ribbon ones lah cos I think it's a little too late to pick up horticulture at this point...

I spotted this nifty little tutorial to make your own Valentine's Bouquet over at Burda Style which is an open source website for all things sewing. I'm going to make a couple of over sized roses like the ones pictured above. I'll let you know how it turns out k? Oh gosh... 4 more days to Valentine's! Better hurry now.


  1. i love your blog. been reading it for awhile now. love all the websites that you recommended eSpecially design sponge and I want That. i can really relate to your taste in travel, living(shopping buys :D) and designs(vintage, soft pastel colours).


  2. thanks for tuning in lynn. it's great to hear from like minded readers of my little ol' blog... hey, you know what they say right?? great minds think alike ;)
