
Wednesday, February 11, 2009


One of my favorite things about being part of the local KL bazaar circuit is the exposure to the talents of Malaysia's indie musicians. Here's my most recent discovery...

I personally met Bo at the previous RANtai event I took part in & he's not only talented but he's very charming. And humble. And nice. He actually went from table to table at the event to sell his CD to the vendors & attendees after his performance & at the end of the day gave half of his earnings to the NSTP Fund for Gaza. Stellar guy or what? Check him out at his MySpace & his channel on YouTube. Go grab a copy of his CD (which I highly recommend for that feel good vibe) at BBB Roland Studio, Hartamas.

I'll leave you for now with another video by Bo performing my favorite song from his album Bedroom Sanctuary. Enjoy Malam Ini.

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