
Friday, December 26, 2008

Homemade Presents

Yay! Managed to restock these darling little mason jars for my Brown Sugar Body Scrub. The ingredients for this batch has been refined & I made different tags to go with it. Recognise the tags? They're actually my business cards that I cut up. Thought they'd look cute as tags too.

This batch was made to be given out to my aunties for Christmas. We as a family don't really celebrate (I'm Muslim) but one of my aunties on my mother's side is Christian so we all gather at her house during Christmas to stuff ourselves silly in a big family style potluck dinner party. This year I just thought it'd be nice to have my aunties pamper themselves a little.

I packed all the little mason jars in organza bags & placed them all in a wicker basket for safe transportation. Brown sugar + oil + car seat = not good.

My "contribution" to the potluck dinner party. Dark chocolate & peanut butter cups plus candied orange peel. I made them all from scratch using whatever I had at home. It was a very last minute decision you see... heheee. I think I may have wrapped it up all too prettily though as they didn't end up being eaten during the party. That, or my family has simply no confidence in my cooking skills! -_-

Blanching the orange peels. Proof that I made it all by myself! :P


  1. Murni, I didn't know you cook too!

    Hand-made jewellery, hand-made body scrub, now hand-made food..

    I gotta learn some of your skills lady ;)

    BTW, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you :)

  2. hi naziehah! it's not really cooking lah! i'm just really good at melting things down & boiling! hahahaha

    hope you had a very merry christmas & a happy new year ahead of you too!
