
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello 2013

Il 570xN 402411157 by8r
I'm not one to make resolutions, much less stick to them but this year I thought I'd do just that & prove myself wrong. Some of my many resolutions is to declutter my house, stop buying unnecessary craft supplies & trinkets (which has created all the clutter to begin with), to be more careful with the people I let into my life & to keep a daily journal instead of my current haphazard version. How about you dreamers? 

P/S: To help you welcome the new year, how about some awesome motivational art or the calendar above from locally based Neue Graphic? They're offering a 15% discount till this Friday with the code NOW2013 so grab some posters while you still can! Here are a few more of my favourites below…

Il 570xN 362315736 3bpb 
Il 570xN 374925231 37pt
Il 570xN 390662442 r6sw 
Il 570xN 376037980 hqym 

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