
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another Cambridge Satchel

This little 11" rose gold baby from Cambridge Sacthel is being made for me as I type this. On a whim yesterday I checked out CS's website & found that the bag I was lusting after since last November was half-off so without further thought, I added it to my cart, checked out & bang, I'm the proud owner of yet another CS! My red 15" Batchel (it's the classic satchel with a top handle) is my go to work bag (seen here & here) but I wanted something smaller for casual days out & I think this rose gold version will just be that touch of fancy that will elevate any old outfit I lazily pull together. I'll share pictures when it gets here k? I'M SO EXCITED! 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sandakan Adventure

The sunset sky over Sandakan
We're back in KL after a last-minute decision to make use of the long Maulidur Rasul/Thaipussam weekend by striking Sandakan off our bucket list. It was a fantastic trip until we got hit by a nasty bout of food poisoning. Ironically, it wasn't due to all the seafood we ate (which by the way, is yummy & cheap in Sandakan) but due to the water or most likely, the ice! Well, that's what the doctor said & we're sticking by it because the thought of any of that scrumptious seafood we consumed causing so much agony is just heartbreaking. I'd never look at another oyster the same way again! 

With all that happened at the last leg of our trip, I really enjoyed our Sandakan trip. Our hotel room at Four Points by Sheraton, had spectacular views of the Sandakan Bay & we spent a lot of time at their infinity pool, soaking & waiting for sunset. We of course visited the Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre (which was our main objective), Rainforest Discovery Centre & Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary.  We had a lovely time watching wild Orang-utans & Proboscis monkeys feeding albeit from afar & we spent the most time at the RDC doing some light trekking following the calls of the Hornbill & observing nature. We also visited the Sandakan Heritage Museum, World War II Memorial as well as a few of the popular eateries recommended on Trip Advisor such as Ocean King Restaurant (so-so),  Sim Sim 88 Restaurant (highly recommended & cheap), English Tea House (scones were bland but the place is nice) & Ba Lin Rooftop Bar & Cafe (wonderful place to chill with great view of the bay but food was a little meh!).

We will definitely be heading back to Sandakan as we really really want to do the Kinabatangan River Cruise & stay in a forest resort instead of in town. It will take a little more saving up as it can be quite costly even for us Malaysians with all the discounted rates & park entry fees. I hope it'll be soon but in the meantime, I'm going to need to get over this food poisoning. 

The view from our room here in Sandakan
Looks like we a little stowaway.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Miss Blogging

It's getting harder & harder now to find time to blog which I suppose is a good thing because that means my business is keeping me very busy but damn, I really miss blogging. It's been so long since I've surfed the world wide web for pleasure that I'm beginning to think I will NEVER catch up with my Google Reader! So much for trying to take things easy in 2013 eh? But I'm the type that never says "no" to a good opportunity so no matter what, I will keep pushing myself & trying to deliver whatever I make or do in the best possible way, in the best possible time. The sky's the limit folks! I say grab whatever opportunities that come your way & keep trying, learning & doing things that excite & inspire you. 

As usual, here are a few pictures from my Instagram of the projects I worked on last week. 

I hand-cut a couple of paper ballerinas to top the cake & decided to take a stab at making mini tutus for them. Pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself!

A tiny ballerina cake topper I hand-cut & then added a handmade mini tulle tutu. I think it's the most precious thing I've made to date! 

Renee's Fairy Ballerina birthday party at Marmalade, Publika last Sunday. Mini cut out ballerinas with actual tiny tutus in action on the cake!

The tiny ballerinas with their tutus in action on Renee's birthday cake by Dear Sue Cakes. Inside is a pink ombre layered butter cake & it's sooooo yummy! 

More shots from Renee's birthday party. Was especially happy with the hanging tutus. Had such a hard time getting them hung but luckily Bobby the hubby helped the night before.
For this Fairy Ballerina themed party I did all the floral arrangements, tutus & fairy wands for the girls, wizard wands for the boys, personalised chocolate bar wrappers, provided the candy & made hanging tutu skirts for hanging. I also provided the cake in a jar from Dear Sue Cakes as favours for the guests. It was a lot of fun working on this theme as it was very pink & girly! Will post up more pictures soon (hopefully!).

Hand bouquet for Eleena. I love clients who are willing to take risks with bold & unconventional color & flower combos!

A bridal hand bouquet I made for Eleena. I just love customers who are up for unconventional colour & flower combos! This bouquet was made with Kenyan & Indian Roses, Chinese Spray Roses & Eustomas, Mediterranean Sea Lavender & Brazillian Globosas. I also made the groom a matching boutonnière. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Catch Up: Jan 2013

Gosh, 2013 is turning out to be a massively busy year for yours truly. Event styling, graphic designing, floral arranging, impromptu trips, a photo shoot… it's been crazy! I really miss blogging but I'm enjoying working & experiencing new things. How's your 2013 so far, dreamers?

Here are some pictures from my Instagram, have a look see!

More fun with Diptic & pictures from our Mabul/Sipadan trip.

Some glimpses from our trip to Mabul & Sipadan.

Lured my neighbor's 3 kittens to come play at my front door. Hassan was more interested in inspecting my plants

My new neighbour's 3 adorable kittens & Hassan who's busy inspecting my plants. The kittens come over every other day to play with Hassan & to check out our house.

Just got my lovely fabric calendar by @lisarupp with a freebie (thanks Lisa!). 2013, I'm ready for you.

My new fabric calendar from Lisa Rupp along with a free letterpress print! Love love love.

Photo props I made for Daania's birthday party

A fun, cowgirl themed birthday party I helped to decorate. 

Excuse the cam whoring but I just love my makeup from today's shoot at the awesome @wondemilk with Her World magazine (double chin has been conveniently cropped out hehehe)

Loved my makeup from a photoshoot I did for Her World magazine. I look so different!

QC Inspector at work.

Flowers for a baby shower I did being inspected for quality control by a curious kitty. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Help, I Need A Laptop Stand

Vool The Wooden Laptop Stand 1
I have to admit, I'm not young anymore. At 31 (32 this year to be precise), my body seems to be giving up on me. Every other day now I'm plagued with mysterious aches & pains in my back, neck & shoulders. And this is without any strenuous activities! Yup, I'm no spring chicken. I think most of my bodily aches boil down to bad posture & although I'm usually quite conscious about my posture, thanks to years of drilling from my parents, I tend to slouch when I work on my laptop which I use every day. Bad Murni. So I think it's time to invest in a laptop stand & I've rounded up a few that fit my criteria: well designed, handmade, responsibly harvested wood & not bulky.

The first one on top by Vool is my favourite but at 299 Euros (with free worldwide shipping) I'll have to pass. The free shipping rocks but RM1196 is waaaaay to much for my blood. Luckily there are heaps of other affordable options, just have a look below!
Il 570xN 209875244
Il 570xN 386859938 qyd7
Second from top to bottom: Greentunadesign puzzle shaped laptop stand in sustainable bamboo (RM255 + RM83 shipping to Malaysia), ergoRizer made with plywood (RM109 + RM46 shipping to Malaysia), Standup made with FSC certified Gabon Marine grade plywood (NZ$70 + shipping cost to Malaysia unspecified), Objectify made from sustainably produced Southern New Zealand Pine plywood (RM46 + RM18 shipping to Malaysia) & although this is too low for me, I think this is nice too; Stems available in 3 woodgrains such as cherry, walnut & ash (RM140 + RM36 shipping to Malaysia).

I'm leaning towards the Objectify one because it's the simplest, gives me the height I want, folds flat & a huge plus point, it's the cheapest! I like the Greentunadesign one too but the versatility of the ergoRizer is pretty awesome. Decisions, decisions.

UPDATE: I went ahead & bought the Objectify one. Will let you know if I like it when I get it. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello 2013

Il 570xN 402411157 by8r
I'm not one to make resolutions, much less stick to them but this year I thought I'd do just that & prove myself wrong. Some of my many resolutions is to declutter my house, stop buying unnecessary craft supplies & trinkets (which has created all the clutter to begin with), to be more careful with the people I let into my life & to keep a daily journal instead of my current haphazard version. How about you dreamers? 

P/S: To help you welcome the new year, how about some awesome motivational art or the calendar above from locally based Neue Graphic? They're offering a 15% discount till this Friday with the code NOW2013 so grab some posters while you still can! Here are a few more of my favourites below…

Il 570xN 362315736 3bpb 
Il 570xN 374925231 37pt
Il 570xN 390662442 r6sw 
Il 570xN 376037980 hqym