
Monday, December 24, 2012

Filem: Life Of Pi

Life of pi poster
I was most excited to hear that a favourite book of mine from way back when I first read it in 2002 was being turned into a movie directed by Ang Lee. But as life would have it, Bobby & I were so busy earlier this month when it first came out here in Malaysia that it was with a huge relief when we finally made it to the cinema last weekend to catch Life of Pi in 3D. I think everyone needs to see this. It's truly a breathtaking movie & the CGI is beyond words. A boy shipwrecked for 227 days in the middle of the Pacific with an adult Bengal tiger is pretty out there, I have to admit but gosh, what a story! It's so wonderful, I bought tickets to watch it again in IMAX this week!

P/S: I found a really great Q & A with Yann Martel about the novel on the ABC News site.

Life of Pi Ending Explained
Life of Pi movie wallpapers 1680x1050 bmp 001

1 comment:

  1. I love this movie! It made me cry :')
    Now I want to read the book.

    Great blog!
    Happy New Year to you!
