
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bluebird Is Married!

I’ve been following Miss James’ blog Bluebird Vintage for awhile now because I think she’s one cool mama. She’s raising 4 little kiddos (she’s homeschooling all of them too!), has impeccable style & the way she writes keeps me going back for more. Anyhoots, this lovely lady just got hitched to her long-time beau & the video of their wedding is one of the few that has made me teary-eyed. I really love how laid back their wedding was (the styling was really cool too) & their love for each other really shone through. Have a looksee & I’m sure you’ll agree with me. Congratulations James & Aubrey!


  1. This clip is so "real". Its such a happy celebration :) Make me feel like I want to be there dancing along with them.
