
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Juggler Extraordinaire

Wow. Life has been busy but it’s a good sort of busy, alhamdulillah. I’m juggling a few things at the moment, so this leave of absence from the blog will be extended till I have time to breathe. In the meantime, here are some shots from my iPhone & Instagram (look me up – mimpimurni) over the last couple of weeks. As usual, scroll over for a description ;)

Cik Leha the kitty. I found her in a box & took her home to foster. She was adopted on CNY eve & I miss her terribly.
My gorgeous cousins at my Uncle's house.
My new buntings for sale at my Etsy store! Check it out:
Hassan the cat, upclose & personal
Screen printed dinos I did for a party I am styling. Screen printing is FUN!

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