
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Little Paris

If you’re lucky enough to make your way to Paris, I hear this book simply titled My Little Paris would be an awesome guide to the best kept secrets of Parisians.

Taken off the website: “Mais attention ! In our book, we unveil insider addresses and tips that Parisian ladies have never shared before. You will try their killer secret detail and become addict to their hidden fashion designer. You will want to change your lingerie to change your life. You will pretend to be a connoisseur. You will learn how to fight the Sunday night blues and master the way to spice up a dull Parisian evening.”

Check out the official website & buy the book here.


  1. TRES FANTASTIQUE! w.a.n.t.

  2. Where can I find this book in Selangor & KL? :)

  3. hi Aimi. i don't think it's out here in Malaysia yet, but if you really want it, you can place an order at Borders or Kinokuniya & they'll call you when they receive it (which might be a long wait). good luck!
