
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Look For Mimpi Murni at Urbanscapes

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This Saturday at Urbanscapes, come look me up under the Tongue In Chic Turf, ok lovelies? I don’t think you will be able to miss the Turf as a little bird told me there will be fairy lights & balloons but do keep your eyes peeled as they don’t call this the largest creative arts festival for nothing ya’ know! No self respecting fashionista will want to miss the specially curated TiC Turf filled with unique wares plus yummy food to tickle your palate. This is my second year at the Turf & I feel awfully chuffed (& grateful of course) to be part of it.

Anyhoots, I’ve kicked up production to high gear hence the lack of updates of late & right after this little post, I’ll be back in my craft room whipping up some more goodies. Are you lovelies excited yet? I know I am :)

P/S: Here’s a great read on How To Survive Urbanscapes 2011 for the ladies out there. Do note that the field might get muddy, so wear your most mud resistant clothing & for god's sake, don't wear anything with pointy heels lest you want to sink into the ground with every step. Your safest bet would be slippers or wedges, or better yet, boots!

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