
Monday, July 11, 2011


Hello, sorry for the lack of posts of late. My hectic schedule has finally caught up with me & I'm down with a little fever. This coming week I'll be out of commission as I try to shake off this fever & get ready for Urbanscapes but in the meantime, here's a shot from yesterday I stole from Wondermilk's Instagram.

That's Aishah from That Last Slice, me & Jezmine of Old Blossom Box. I just love this shot! Thank you Ifzan!

Ok. My head's achy again. Going back to bed now. Night!

P/S: I scheduled a post which will be up tomorrow. I'll try to blog again when I can but this week is going to be craaaaaazy so can't promise. Follow me on twitter to get bite-sized updates k?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hi there! I love how you made the banderitas (the cute triangle hangings) as an accent to your area. Can you please do a tutorial for it? or do you have a website where i can see how I can make one? :)


  2. hi ally, thanks for dropping by. i actually make & sell the buntings. you can do a google search for buntings & you'll get tonnes of hits. good luck! :D
