
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Button My Buttons & Mimpi Kita Fashion Show

Last week yours truly armed with a willing girlfriend were invited to two fashion shows, back to back, of some up & coming designers. The first was Shahida Shariff of Button My Buttons followed by sisters Nurul, Mira & Syera Zulkifli of Mimpi Kita (nope, we’re not the same brand although people often get us confused. We just share the same “dream” hehe).

The two shows had totally different vibes & I enjoyed them immensely. Button My Buttons (pictured above) was totally fun with designs that were equally fun, quirky & had a distinct 1950s - 1960s feel to it. It was really refreshing to see the models really ham it up & have fun as they playfully posed & blew kisses to the audience. Too bad the pictures I took of the models that night didn’t turn out good (still getting used to my new camera) but I got better on the second night as you will see below. Anyways, Shahida’s team also set up an interesting little pop-up shop at the foyer which gave the audience a chance to buy her clothes & various other creations right after the show. It was THE perfect place to mingle & I finally got a chance to snap a picture with Ami of Sputnik Sweetheart! Yayness! Mimpi Kita (pictured below) on the other hand was all about elegance, modesty & sophistication with gorgeous professional models to boot. I especially loved the attention to detail like the beading & addition of French lace. I can see why the sisters of Mimpi Kita are so sought after & the next time I have a special occasion like a dinner function, I’m going to make a mandatory visit to their boutique. I’m also going to make a pit stop at Button My Buttons boutique to get ready for Raya this year.

Kudos to Button My Buttons & Mimpi Kita! Thank you so much for extending an invitation to little ol’ me… I may not be a fashionista but I do appreciate fine, beautiful things.


  1. I was there at the Mimpikita fashion show too Murni, saw you and wanted to say hi, but I think you left early!

  2. alaaaaa ye ke? too bad i missed you then! had to leave early to go see my hubby. so cantik right the clothes at the show? i wanted everything!
