
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Craft Party Hangover

awwww, i can’t believe the party is over! i have a hangover headache, i kid you not.

hangover aside, let me express my thanks & gratitude to all the partiers who sacrificed their Saturday morning to come celebrate Etsy’s birthday by crafting with yours truly & Team Etsy Malaysia. i loved seeing everyone’s individual take on their tshirt refashion & i really hope everyone learnt a new thing or two but most importantly, i hope everyone had heaps of fun & enjoyed meeting fellow craft lovers! more than one of them also commented that Wondermilk was the most perfect venue for a crafty morning & I couldn’t agree more. yaaaay, Wondermilk!

every time i plan one of these craft parties, i tell myself i must take lots of pictures. however, time & time again i fail when i have to tend to many, many things simultaneously so this time i kept my camera close & snapped when my hands were free. unfortunately, my hands (& wits) were kept very busy but i did manage to sneak in a couple of shots while everyone was busy planning their tshirt designs within the first 30 minutes of the party (hence the look of serious concentration on everyone’s faces!).

Getting down to business

The craft supplies “buffet” table. Nadiah contributed heaps of fun buttons & ribbon scraps while Ira added some cute & colorful fabric scraps.

digging into the fabric scraps pile

repeat after me: "cut, pin, sew. cut, pin, sew."

i even brought my sewing machine for those who wanted to give it a go (i have to say Wondermilk has the best decor! love that black wall in the background filled with little tchotchkes)

the Hot Mama group were the first to finish their tshirts! Needless to say, all their tshirts were for the little ones (Cerys, held up by Cindy is wearing the tshirt her mummy helped her cut & sew).

last but not least, a big THANK YOU goes out to our prize sponsors, Mai & Nadiah! Mai of Okinokiyo gave an awesome goodie bag filled with a fabric zippered bag & stuffie plus fabric scraps for the Most Creative Tshirt award which went to Lynette & her very cool slashed & weaved tshirt. Nadiah of Nukilan in turn offered up a pack of her gorgeous handmade cards (which you can see here) to our very own Miss Congeniality won by Shelby! i also wanted to offer a little something as a prize, so i made a little fabric bunting banner for our Most Hardworking partier, Sara who tried sewing for the first time & never gave up!

so there you have it folks. i really hope everyone had as much fun as i did & i can’t wait for the next one. how about you? ;)

p/s: if any of you craft partiers took pictures, please send me a copy. pretty please? also, if you blogged about it, let me know & i’ll link you up here on the blog. thanks a bunch!


  1. Yeay the photos are up!! My camera died on me on saturday and i couldnt snap any photos. So sad. -Zaahira

  2. awww too bad zaahira! well, i hope the other partiers will send me some pics soon & if they do, i'll put them up over at the handmadeKL blog. hope you had fun last saturday! :D

  3. had so much fun ! hope to join for the next craft party :)

  4. ELO Murni, I've blogged about the craft party vide my humble blog, and posted some pictures. Not all of them though. How would you like me to send the pictures to you? =) XOXO

  5. I should join the next one you have it again. Missed this Murni. Awesome party you have.
