
Monday, May 2, 2011


I shared these snap shots over at Twitter last week & I thought I’d share them here with you lovelies while I recover from the Crafty Art Market. These shots are just a small part of my craft room that is constantly evolving, depending on the current project or state of mind I’m in & whether it’s messy or not! Hehe. Hope you enjoyed the little peek into my world ;)


  1. So pretty!! Can i hire you to decorate my studio or something hahahah. Currently i work there but im so bogged up with work that decorating has been postponed til well, indefinitely -___-"

  2. love love love!!

  3. thanks for the loving ladies!

    cyn, i'll drop you an email soon k? i'd love to work with you & help come up with a fun space for you!

  4. Nice working spot Murni. I love to peek to other ppl studio and how they get creative :)

    And you seem happy and recharged back from your Honeymoon.

    Another things, I am glad to be able to see you in person during Etsy market :)

  5. Thanks Fenny! I love seeing other people's work space too, especially if it's colorful & quirky! Hehe

    Oh yes, I feel wonderful after our honeymoon. It was such a wonderful place & the experience of diving at the Celebes Sea was spectacular :)

    It was lovely meeting you too at Crafty/Etsy Market. Hope to see you around more often with Dania! ;)

  6. Aww... you remember my daughter name... so sweet of you. I will keep in touch with u. If any incoming event that I am not aware of, please let me know :)

  7. sure thing fenny! ;)

    thanks pj! glad you like it :D
