
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

DIY: Tiny Polaroid Magnets

Looks like I'm on a DIY roll this week huh? With the mountain of pictures that we have from our wedding & honeymoon, I think this tiny polaroid magnet tutorial by Ambrosia Girl is definitely something I need to do. It’ll give me an excuse to dress up the fridge too which I’m sure the hubby won’t object to.

Via Creature Comforts.


  1. babydoll!! goodness knows how you manage to unearth such crafty gems from the world wide web (they didn't call it world wide for nuthin!)... am crazy over this now though i don't know how i'm gonna find magnet pieces or this thing she uses called rubber cement... :D

  2. i follow a lot of amazing crafty blogs & thanks to Google Reader, i can keep my blog-surfing organised ;)

    i got my magnet pieces from Daiso (2 dozen small pieces for RM5. such a steal!) & you can substitute rubber cement with a hot glue gun. have a go & good luck!

  3. Oh i super super like this!

    And thanks for the heads up for where to get the magnets! I thought I've seen it somewhere before but I couldn't remember. Will keep an eye out for it in Daiso!

  4. Oh I super super like this!

    And thanks for the heads up on where to get the magnet! I was wondering where to get them. Remember seeing them somewhere before but I can't remember for the life of me. Will keep an eye out for it in Daiso next time I go there. Thanks!

  5. You're most welcome sweetie :) I was at Daiso yesterday & found the magnet pieces at the stationery section. They just restocked in a bunch of sizes too.
