
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Getting Used To Being Called Puan

Hello lovelies! I’m back with a ring on my finger & a wonderful man I can now call my husband by my side. With the akad nikah & our two wedding receptions over & done with, I can safely say that these last couple of weeks (months, really) have been mad but fabulous & incredibly eye-opening. There’s nothing quite like marrying your best friend & being blessed by your friends & family while showering in their collective love that I now have a deeper appreciation for all of them but most especially for my family. This may sound corny, but words simply can not express how much they mean to me & the gratitude I feel towards them on how they rallied around me to make sure I had a best time possible at my own wedding. Not only did they help me set up all the decorations & favors but they somehow managed to sneak behind my back for practice sessions & surprised me with 4 performances that left me alternately tearing up & whooping out loud right there at the main table! How unladylike but I couldn’t be bothered because I had the best time & I just love them :)

Really now, I have heaps of wedding-related things to share with you guys but I’ll wait till I get more pictures from our photographers, Snap Attack. Till then, I have tones of work & emails to catch up with but I missed this little ol’ blog that I’m dying to check my Google Reader & share all the pretty things that come my way that I’m going to do that right after this. Did you all miss me? I certainly missed you…


  1. hello murni! wishing u and husband all the best in venturing the awesomely awesome marriage life. :)

    and p.s., welcome to the club!

    can't wait to read more updates from u. till then, take care. ;)

  2. hello murni! wishing u and husband all the best in venturing the awesomely awesome marriage life. :)

    and p.s., welcome to the club!

    can't wait to read more updates from u. till then, take care. :)

  3. Congrats Puan Murni !! :)
    Glad everything went well..
    Yeay ! I'm so happy for you. Wishing you both everlasting love and happiness !!

  4. Congratulations to you! Can't wait for the wedding pictures.

  5. grats on the wedding Puan Murni ;)

  6. thank you for your kind wishes ladies! I'm truly blessed :')
