
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daydream List

This Daydream List by The Wheat Field inspired me to create my own little list. Here it goes:

+ reading a great book under a tree with the sun peeking through the leaves
+ cuddling a purring cat & kissing a puppy’s forehead
+ glamping across Europe
+ cloud menagerie identification
+ cream caramel & fresh lemon juice with a sprig of mint
+ hot air balloon ride on a clear, Spring day
+ holding hands with the man I love under a waterfall
+ falling asleep on a hammock on the beach
+ a baby deer for a pet
+ sunlight filled home with a lush garden

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! What’s on your list my lovelies? Would love to see your list, so if you’re gonna do one up, please leave me a comment below with a link & I’ll link back here.

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