
Monday, March 7, 2011

Jakarta, Instagrammed

Screen shot of KLM’s inflight info

In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been away. Yes, that would explain the lack of posts & chirping of crickets in the background. I was in Jakarta sorting out a few things for my wedding & man, I’m so glad to be back! Don’t get me wrong, Jakarta was awesome but there’s nowhere like home.

Here are a couple of shots I Instagrammed while I was in Jakarta (look me up under mimpimurni if you’re on Instagram too)…

Card makers at work right at the basement carpark of Pasar Tebet

This is Social House at Grand Indonesia Plaza. You must, must, must visit this really awesome restaurant cum lounge if you’re in the area. The food & drinks are reasonably priced & oh-so-good. The view from the balcony is really gorgeous too. (Thanks for taking us there Farouk!)

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