
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help ARK Save the Animals in Japan

Thanks to a tweet by @nottypooch, I was made aware of ARK which stands for Animal Refuge Kansai. Taken off their site: “ARK is a non-profit, non-governmental private organization with the aim of forming a network of people who love animals, believe in sharing their lives with them, and who work actively to rescue them from suffering.”

Now, you all know about the horrible earthquake & tsunami that hit the Tohoku-Pacific area in northern Japan on the 11th of March that has left tens of thousands of people homeless & in need of aid but did you think about the animals that may have been abandoned or injured?

Right now ARK is getting geared up for a huge influx of animals & needs as much support as possible from you kind-hearted folks so if you are in Japan, do lend them a hand by volunteering or if you can, do send them a donation. "We already have some facilities in place and a team of experienced staff able to deal with traumatised animals. We may have to build emergency shelters as well. The logistics of getting animal from the Tohoku/Sendai area is immense since roads and other transport links have been cut and may take time to restore. Our only means to get animals down to Osaka may be by helicopter, which was one method we used after the Kobe earthquake.”

Here are the account details to make your donations to:

Postal Account
Large Scale Rescue Fund
No. 00970-2-267840

UK Bank Account
Lloyds Bank, St. Helier, Jersey (branch no: 309461)
Account name: Animal Refuge Kansai - ARK, Account no: 1381476

PayPal (through ARK’s homepage)
Please add "for earthquake animals"

P/S: While researching for more news of animal rescue in Japan, I came across The Fabulous Animal Rescue Project which highlights a few animal welfare organisations (it also mentions ARK) in need of aid including the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue & Support (which is a collaboration of 3 No-Kill animal welfare organizations in Japan; HEART-Tokushima, Animal Friends Niigata and Japan Cat Network), Animal Miracle Foundation & Network & The Search Dog Foundation. Please help these organisations in their worthy cause to help the animals of Japan.


  1. poor animals ;( i love the fact that u're highlighting about this. the world would be a better place if there's more people like u :)

  2. thanks so much for dropping by nisa but the people who deserve the credit are all the heroes that are at the disaster-struck areas, locating & helping all those animals in need. i'm merely trying to spread the word & trying to get those heroes more funds to continue their good work :)

  3. We all need to help your pets in trouble!
