
Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, New Look, New Site

So. I’ve put this off waaaaay too long! Finally got off my butt & redesigned the blog, created a Mimpi Murni Facebook Page (the old group will soon be closed once I figure out how to do it) & to top it all off, I made a new website! Yup, That would explain why I’ve been so quiet over at this blog the last couple of days my lovelies.

Have a look around & tell me what you think. It’s all still pretty empty but I intend to fill it up soon when time permits (juggling a wedding & a business is crazy yo!). I appreciate any & all feedback but go easy on me as it’s my first time developing a site. The website, I guess, is an extension of this blog… the more “official” face of Mimpi Murni. Whatever info that’s up on the site will be up here on the blog first as this is where my heart is & how most of you came to discover Mimpi Murni.

As for the sale of my jewelry, I’ll be making the move to my new Etsy shop. I’ve been an Etsy buyer (under a different account name) since forever so it’s about time I become an Etsy seller! Of course you can still get my jewelry over at The Tongue In Chic Store & soon at The Fashion Valet + you can still email me for custom made jewelry or special request remakes. I’m also on the lookout for local shops & boutiques to consign my jewelry to so if anyone out there is interested, holler!

What a start to the new year huh? Anyone else made any big changes?


  1. Nice, Murni. Old semi-close friend from college here saying hi, how're you doin? And both sites looking great! Inspiring me to update mine more often too...

  2. Congrats! Love the new site, so chic.

  3. yeay! new look! looking great. Happy New Year Murni!

  4. I love the look of your new site. It's gorgeous!!

    Happy New Year! :-)

  5. @ben: hey ya ben, long time no see! how have you been?? thanks for dropping by! i really love your site btw. can't wait to see your next update ;)

    @joey: thanks dearie :D

    @tiq: happy new year to you too sweetie! glad you like the new look

    @meena: thanks so much! happy 2011 to you too dear :)

  6. your year sounds so exciting! love the makeover esp the bit with the velvet ribbon... can't wait for more dreamy goodness!

  7. @shelby: exciting but tiring i'm afraid! lol. thanks for the support & loving babe! you've been awesome!
