
Monday, December 6, 2010

My Weekend

Hi folks! Thought I’d pop in for a bit to share some pictures I took with my iPhone + Instagram over the weekend. The fiancé & I had a wedding to attend in Seremban on Saturday so we took the opportunity to stay a night there before pushing off in the afternoon to Melaka (yes, we love to sleep in during the weekends). Once there, we met up with my cousins for a bit (wish I could’ve spent more time with them), ate a lot & then went to play kites by the beach. Here are some shots from Melaka…

iPhone Camera Roll 2160Don’t let the picture fool you, it was super hot & sunny in Melaka not
to mention crowded at Jonker Street! People were spilling over the
sidewalk thanks to the Malaysian & Singaporean school holidays.

iPhone Camera Roll 2192This has got to be the best antique shop along Jonker Street with the
widest selection. Even the sign looks like an antique don’t
you think?

iPhone Camera Roll Our first food pit stop for the day was at 13 States, located in one
of the alleys off Jonker Street. It's very peaceful compared to the
crowded shops along the main street & I was particularly delighted
over their decorations which was vintage & kitschy. The food is pretty
good too so I would definitely recommend this place to anyone
looking to get away from the heat & crowd.

iPhone Camera Roll 2189Had to take a picture of this famous Chicken Rice Balls place but we
didn’t stop to try it because our main objective was a shop

iPhone Camera Roll 2188Jonker Dessert 88 is a must if you’re at Jonker Street. It’s over-
crowded (we shared tables with a family) & it’s all self-service but man,
the food is awesome! Hands down, the rojak buah pictured above is
the best I’ve ever had (the added chakoi makes all the difference) & you
must try the famous cendol.

iPhone Camera Roll 2191With our bellies full & the sky still clear, we ended our trip with a little
kite flying which is my fiance’s newest hobby. We headed on over near
the site of the former Eye On Malaysia where there is a large, open field
by the beach. Enthusiasts, both young & old were all out flying their
colorful kites & the sky never looked prettier.

Weekends like the one I just had make it rather hard to go back to day to day life but luckily I love my job. How was your weekend my lovelies?

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