
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Homemade Is Best


IKEA is my idea of playland. Sometimes during the middle of the workday, I’d take a couple of hours off & drive myself down there simply to browse the displays & dream of my dream house while having a plate of the Swedish Meatballs. I never leave empty handed too but that’s not the point of this blog post. I’ve been hearing that IKEA just came up with a new baking book “Homemade is Best” & although it’s in Swedish, I think I’d get it just for the innovative food styling & great photography.

Here’s what the masterminds, Stylist Evelina Bratell and photographer Carl Kleiner, had to say for themselves: “We let ourselves be inspired by high fashion and japanese minimalism. The idea of the book became to tone down the actual cake and put the ingredients in focus. The recipes are presented as graphic still-life portraits on a warm and colorful stage. And when you turn the page you see the fantastic result.”

Have a looksee…

Via Creature Comforts.


  1. salam sis murni
    this is amazing I would love to have a copy myself :) is it available here? I haven't been to IKEA for at least 6 month now. I know if I go there I'll never come back empty regardless of how hard I tried :)


  2. oooh i have never been warm to the idea of baking..until this post!

    i like the idea of seeing the ingredients rather than reading them! all those half a teaspoon of that half a teaspoon of this always scared the crap out of me :P

    thanks for sharing this darling. :)

  3. hi saff, i'm not sure if it's available here yet but i'll be heading out to IKEA soon & will let you know k?

    my pleasure naziehah dear :) i can't bake or cook to save my life & i've hung up my apron ages ago, but when recipe books like this come my way i can't help but feel inspired to give it another go! hehehe
