
Monday, August 9, 2010

Mornings at Mimpi Murni

Hello dear hearts. Sorry for the late post today. Had a health scare over the weekend & I had an early doctor's appointment this morning so my mind was elsewhere. Here I am though, better late than never & all is well in Murni-land! :)

Today I thought I'd share with you how my day usually goes most mornings (when I don't have a scary doctor's appointment that is):

I wake up at 10am most days (I'm SO not a morning person)
Check my Twitter & GodFinger while still in bed
Floss, brush teeth, wash face, yadayada
Let Hassan the cat out of his room (he's put into our enclosed balcony at night when we go to bed. We now call it "Hassan's Room")
Feed Hassan then tickle his chin & tummy
Make myself some hot honey lemon or tea (organic Peppermint)
Go into my little office which is the spare bedroom & switch on the laptop
"Try" to tidy up my crafting table (I say try because I always get distracted) while laptop loads
Check my Gmail, Google Reader & Tweetdeck
Sometime around 12pm I remember to eat "breakfast"

Well, that's a little glimpse. How do your mornings go?

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