
Monday, July 12, 2010

Mimpi ♥ Craft Party!

Hey ya lovelies! In case you haven’t already heard but I’ve been hard at work organising KL’s very first Craft Party! More info at my brand new blog, handmadeKL.

What is a Craft Party you might be asking? Basically it’s a party where people who like to craft (or wants to craft more or never gets to craft but wants to learn a new skill) get together & work on a project over drinks & giggles. Here’s how it all started.

For the very first party, each participant will be doing a decoupage project. Decoupage is just a fancy word for the art of decorating an object by gluing paper cutouts onto it & it’s really simple yet the results can be oh so rewarding! Here’s an example I made below with a tealight candle holder & some vintage clipart I’ve been collecting over the years which I will be sharing at the party.

The fee is only RM30 which is inclusive of 1 cupcake & 1 drink of your choice at Wondermilk plus materials such as a tealight candle holder, a vial of Mod Podge glue, some collage sheets & fine tip paint brush. All you’ll need to bring is a small cuticle scissors such as these.

And so my lovelies if all of this sounds like your cup of tea, please fill in the form NOW as seats are limited to 20 pax! The details are as below:
date: 18 july 2010 (sunday)
time: 10am - 12pm
venue: wondermilk cafe, 41 jalan ss 21/1A damansara uptown 47400 petaling jaya
project: decoupage tealight candle holder
fee: RM30 (1 cupcake + 1 drink, all materials excluding small curved scissors)
remember, seats are limited to 20 pax
more info at
Looking forward to partying with you guys next Sunday!


  1. murni,
    So wanna go but that Sunday I will be the driver and chaperon to 2 of Khadra's parties.
    Next time, Insya Allah.
    Make the next round come quick! :)

  2. no worries dilla! if this party is a success, we'll probably have it every other month or so. will keep you posted! ;)

    oh & please tell khadra i thought she looks like such a lovely young lady. her billboard is ginormous! hehehe

  3. Salam Kak Murni,

    Good to hear that your organizing this party, i wish i could come to lend a support, in the mean time expanding my knowledge on other arts and crafts. But sadly i can't coz baby just arrived, so i'm in my confinement period. Insyallah i'll be able to make it for your other future events.

    Insyallah your event will go on as plan.

  4. ala... rugi skin xjoinnn! hehe just found from jun's blog.. awww~~~ i'm sooo jealous heee next time kak murni buat nk join eh! give me a call:)

    huge fan of craft

  5. heeeey congrats mel!! glad to hear that you & the baby are safe. please extend my congratulations to adam as well. he must be such a proud papa! i'll keep you posted on the next party k? it should be when you're out of your confinement so if you're up for it, do join us!

  6. keep checking the blog for updates on the craft party k, skin? thanks for your support!
