
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Craft Party Anyone?

You should know by now that I'm a huge fan of Etsy & if you love crafts, you should love Etsy too! Now, the last couple of weeks I've been hearing rumblings about the launch of Etsy Craft Party which is (to quote the website) "a global initiative to energize your local community, make art together, and throw a party in your neck of the woods. We want to celebrate crafting together on June 18, 2010 (which just happens to be Etsy's birthday) with as many celebrations across the globe as possible."

How can you not want to get in on that?!?

However. June 18 is only a mere 3 days away & from the last time I checked in on Etsy's Craft Party Meetup page, no one in KL has taken the helm to organise it (I would've done it earlier myself but I had other commitments plus I need to prepare for Urbanscapes happening the following weekend). So, I propose to you my fellow craft lovers, how about we have our own little Craft Party next month instead? I think it'll be an awesome opportunity to meet up with kindred spirits & learn a new craft or two while we're at it! Let me know if you lovely people are game & I'll set the cogs in motion 'cos I love a good party & this idea has really got me excited! How about you? ;)

More info on the Craft Party here.


  1. Salam Kak Murni,

    I think it's a good idea, i wish i could join in, but with baby's due date coming nearer, i don't think i can go for it. But anyway's good luck, hope it happens ^_^

  2. thanks for the support mel! you just take care of yourself & the little one who's on his/her way ;)

    based on the response via twitter, i think there are more than enough interested people so i'm going to go ahead & plan it. if i manage to pull it off, i might do it on a monthly basis, isyallah!

    take care dear.
