
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time Out Please!

I am currently buried deep in my plans for my Bertunang ceremony happening next week, so I'm going to take a break for one WHOLE week while I run around getting things ready. As you all know, I'm huge on DIY so in true indie spirit, me & my family are doing everything ourselves! And I mean everything: food, flowers, favors, decor... the works! I've come to realise that we're a bunch of crazy people but we love each other very much & have the best intentions so insyallah, everything will go as planned.

Please do have a looksee at my old posts while I'm away & heck, if you're planning your own little wedding event, mosey on over to Murni&Jamil which is a blog I set up filled with all sorts of DIY wedding ideas I've plucked from the various blogs & websites I haunt. It's in need of love & attention, but there are a whole bunch of good ideas that I'm using for my own do.

Oh, and a big HOWDY to those of you who found this little ol' blog for the first time via this month's Malaysian Women's Weekly!!! Yup, that's right, some Mimpi Murni jewelry have been featured in the magazine! Sooooo excited!! Have you seen it yet??? I need to go pick me a copy because I sure haven't. Sigh.... such is the life of a Bridezilla. Hahahaha!

In other news, right after the whole Bertunang hoopla, I'll be taking part in the upcoming ChicPOP! It's about time another installment took place right? I know a whole lot of you lovelies have been anxiously waiting to snag some great fashion buys that ChicPOP is famous for! More info here, here on Facebook & an awesome survival guide here. I can hardly wait myself!

Ok folks, I need to go focus on my Bertunang now so I hope you'll excuse me while I step out for awhile. Thank you for your patience & most importantly, your support. You all rock my socks off.


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